Zdeněk Junák

Zdeněk Junák

출생 : 1951-12-06, Kroměříž, Československo

프로필 사진

Zdeněk Junák

참여 작품

Skleněný pokoj
Oskar Hanák
My Uncle Archimedes
ruský poradce
Telling the story of Archimedes, one of thousands of refugees who left Greece for Czechoslovakia at the end of the 1940s, as the Greek civil war meant many communist fighters sought refuge in communist countries. Told through the eyes of Archimedes’ grown-up nephew Aris, who recalls how his uncle's life changed when he escaped from Greece to Czechoslovakia with the naive dream of a rosy future under a socialist regime. But all was not as it seemed.
Český Honza
O princezně se zlatým lukem
Double Role
An intimate psychological film which elaborates the Faustian theme about the dispute between the body and the soul - a study on human identity. Two young doctors carry out the surgical exchange of the brains of two women who are dying after a car accident - a young girl and member of a criminal gang, and a lonely seventy-year-old associate professor of oriental studies. The young girl wakes from the operation thinking like the elderly intellectual and tries in vain to live with her new identity. (https://www.filmovyprehled.cz/en/film/22344/double-role)
Prsten a řetěz
Jak se Kuba stal mlynářem
유산 혹은 미친놈의 인사
평범하게 살고 있던 시골 남자 보후스가 갑자기 거액의 유산을 상속받는다. 들뜬 남자는 마을을 떠나 부유한 도시 생활을 시작하고, 이때부터 웃지 못할 소동들이 벌어진다. 소련 붕괴 이후 급격하게 변화하는 공산주의 사회의 단면을 신랄하게 풍자하는 코미디 영화.
Soudce a drahokam
O chytrém šachovi
Kdo chytá štěstí za pačesy
Před premiérou
Exponát smrti
Búrajú starú pec
Slunce v kaluži
Jednou v Karlových Varech
Tomášova slunečnice