Peter Bävman

참여 작품

더 킹스 초이스
Production Design
호콘 7세는 노르웨이가 스웨덴으로부터 독립한 후 옹립된 첫 왕이다. 1940년 제 2차 세계대전과 함께 노르웨이를 침공한 독일군의 위협 앞에 목숨을 건 3일 간의 도피 끝에 그는 최종 결정을 내린다. 자신과 가족, 국민들의 희생을 각오하고 독일군의 항복 요구를 거절하고 맞서 싸울 것을 공표하는데... 이 실화를 바탕으로 노르웨이 국민들로부터 가장 존경받는 위대한 왕의 이야기를 그린 작품
Here Is Harold
Production Design
For over 40 years, Harold has been running a successful business, Lunde Furniture, together with his wife, Marny. This comes to an end when IKEA decides to open a new superstore right next door to Harolds small furniture shop. Harold and Marny lose both their shop and their home to the bank, and to make matter worse, Marny is starting to lose her memory. In mounting anger and desperation, Harold wants revenge. He arms himself with a pistol, gets into his old Saab, and sets off for lmhult, Sweden, to kidnap his nemesis, the founder of IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad.
Production Design
A tragic love affair between Victoria and Johannes. She's the daughter of a rich estate owner and he's the son of a poor miller. Despite the deep love between them, her father makes Victoria ditch Johannes for the richer Otto.
The Last Sentence
Production Design
Renowned journalist Torgny Segerstedt declares war against Hitler as he criticizes Swedish politicians who tried to look away from the tyranny of the Nazis with the good excuse of “neutralism”. His only weapon is his pen and his life is full of gossip such as an affair with his boss’ wife, a love scandal with a secretary younger than his daughter, and the suicide of his wife. However, he continues to fight a one man battle against Hitler and the Nazi regime until his death, throwing the question “Can one person really change history?” to the audience.
외도의 합리적해결
Production Design
엘란드는 가장 친한 친구인 세반에릭과 함께 작은 산업도시의 제지공장에서 일하고 있다. 그는 부인 마이와 함께 동네 교회에서 부부상담교실을 이끌고 있다. 어느날, 파티에서 만난 엘란드와 세반에릭의 새 부인 카린은 서로에게 강한 매력을 느끼고 곧 사랑에 빠진다. 이미 벌어진 일은 돌이킬 수 없고, 결국 엘란드가 내놓은 합리적인 해결책은 당사자 넷이 모두 모여 앉아 그 상황에 대해 논의해야 한다는 것이었다. 논의 결과, 세반에릭과 카린은 엘란드와 마이의 집으로 이사를 오고, 넷이 함께 살며 지켜야 할 열 가지 규칙을 세운다. 건강한 관계를 위한 열 가지 규칙 중 첫째는 “섹'스는 모두를 최대한 존중하며, 침실에서만 한다”. 과연 이 합리적인 해결책은 성공할 수 있을까.
영원한 순간
Set Designer
만연한 빈곤과 함께 사회적 격변기를 겪는 스웨덴. 마리아는 카메라를 한 대 얻고, 이를 통해 세상을 새롭게 바라본다. 매력적인 사진 작가 페르데센이 그녀 앞에 나타나고, 알코올중독자인 마리아의 남편은 불안해지기 시작한다.
영원한 순간
Production Design
만연한 빈곤과 함께 사회적 격변기를 겪는 스웨덴. 마리아는 카메라를 한 대 얻고, 이를 통해 세상을 새롭게 바라본다. 매력적인 사진 작가 페르데센이 그녀 앞에 나타나고, 알코올중독자인 마리아의 남편은 불안해지기 시작한다.
Illusive Tracks
Production Design
Christmas 1945. In a train from Stockholm to Berlin are a motley collection. It is the failure of the author Gunnar who wants to leave his old life and make a contribution in Berlin; physician Henry who plan to marry Marie and likewise Henry's current wife Karin, who he plans to kill during the journey, the middle-aged gay couple Pompe and Sixten, a soldier going to Uppsala but is on the wrong train: the cheerful and cynical old Margaret, and a dressed elf and a surly conductor. With the train are also a number of Baltic refugees accompanied by two nuns to be sent to Germany.
Office Hours
Production Design
Lotta is 27 years old and an office slave. She has absolutely no ambitions to advance. Most of the time she sits and waits until office hours are over. Then she gets promoted...
The Guy in the Grave Next Door
Production Design
Desirée, a modern librarian with urban friends and interests is visiting her late husband's grave when she meets Benny, a simple farmer. After his mother's death Benny lives alone on the run-down farm, desperately seeking a woman to take care of him. In spite of their differences the two have the dream of finding that special someone in common, and fall passionately in love. Benny wants Desirée to move in with him and start a family as soon as possible. But being a farmer's wife is not something she is very enthusiastic about. Just presenting Benny as her boyfriend proves to be an embarrassing experience. And when she gets a tempting job offer in Stockholm she has to consider her priorities carefully.
하얀 비행
Production Design
19세기 말을 배경으로 엘자는 스웨덴의 한 농장에서 자란다. 동생을 낳다가 어머니가 돌아가신 후 엘자는 분노와 자기 파괴의 감정에 휩싸이고, 아버지와 가정부의 애정행각을 보면서 그녀에게 더 이상 기댈 곳이 없다는 외로움을 느낀다. 22살이 된 엘자는 비행학교에 유일한 여학생으로 등록하면서 새롭고 흥미로운 분야로 발을 들여 놓게 된다. 뭇 남학생들의 사랑을 독차지하던 그녀는 치명적인 사랑을 겪으며 공부를 마치고 스웨덴 첫 여성 파일럿이 된다. 깊은 슬픔으로부터 벗어난 그녀는 1920년대 자유로운 기운이 넘치는 베를린의 생활에 흠뻑 빠지게 되고 좀 더 새로운 것을 찾다가 낙하산을 발견한다.
Nelio's Story
Production Design
Based on the book by Henning Mankell (Sweden), this story takes place in Mozambique and is about a young boy, Nelio, who loses his entire family during a time of civil war. A wounded Nelio is found by a baker in the capital Mapouto; refusing medical treatment, the boy instead asks for sanctuary so he can tell his terrible tale. This he proceeds to do, starting with how the fighters arrived in his village and slaughtered many, to his captivity, his escape and his teaming with other orphaned street urchins to become their leader in survival.
The White Lioness
Production Design
In Cape Town, a police inspector named September color discovers that the dreaded Mabasha, hired murderer, is in talks with a right-wing organization. In Skåne, southwest of Sweden, is given to the real estate agent Louise Åkerblom by missing and the case is assigned to Inspector Wallander. Just start research supposedly empty building explodes. An unusual weapon, a transmitter Russian and index finger of a man of color are found in the wreckage of the building ...
The Dogs of Riga
Production Design
A lifeboat floats ashore at the coast of Skåne. Inside are two dead men who who've been murdered. Policeman Kurt Wallander is assigned to the case. The men are identified with the help of the police in Latvia. One of their officers travel to Sweden to to help but when he returns to his home country he is mysteriously murdered. Kurt flies to Riga to find out why and is drawn into complex conspiracy.