Behzad Dorani

참여 작품

A Tale of Shemroon
After his mother's untimely death, Amir, who sees his father as the only one responsible for their ruined life, is desperate to leave the family home and take Ali, his younger brother. Taking advantage of his connections with Tehran's golden youth, he embarks on a lucrative business. But one night, a simple delivery turns into chaos and upsets the destiny of the two brothers.
수상한 범죄
아주 평범한 어느 날, 지극히 평범한 4인방이 사람들로 가득 찬 영화관에 불을 지르기로 결심한다.
May She Rest in Peace
A former bourgeoisie family's preoccupation with socio-economic identity continues even into death as they decide what the best burial plot for their aunt is.
On his wedding night, his father wants to plan all his life, he even chose a wife for him. The groom realizes that his father is much more worse father than he ever thought.
The Readhead
Farhad's younger brother gets killed right in front of his eyes. Now Farhad along with his brother, the 'dead man', steps to the woods of spirits for revenge. This journey though, is to the past and the future.
오랜 일식으로 원인 불명의 병이 발생하고 널리 퍼진다. 알리는 클럽에서 사만의 살인 혐의로 기소되었고, 경찰은 이 사건을 재구성하기로 한다.
바람이 우리를 데려다 주리라
테헤란에서 약 700km 떨어진 조그만 쿠르드족 촌락 마을 ‘시아 다레’에 베흐자드라는 남자가 동료 몇 명과 함께 도착한다. 그는 마을의 소년 파자드에게 길을 물어보고 둘은 점점 친해진다. 마을에 백 살 먹은 할머니의 죽음과 관련된 취재를 하러 온 것처럼 보이는 베흐자드를 마을 사람들은 전화국에서 온 수리공으로 생각하고 '엔지니어'라고 부른다. 베흐자드와 동료는 할머니가 3일 이내에 죽을 것으로 생각했으나 2주일이 지났는데도 아무 일이 일어나지 않는다. 급기야 동료들은 마을을 떠나게 되는데...
Salaam Cinema
Makhmalbaf puts an advertisement in the papers calling for an open casting for his next movie. However when hundreds of people show up, he decides to make a movie about the casting and the screen tests of the would-be actors.
Story of a girl who goes to a remote place at night for a meeting.
Old Gambler
In a misty village, on the top of a mountain, two gamblers take an old man to his cottage in the middle of the jungle to get their money back. They bury him alive in his own garden, find the money in his house, and split it between themselves.
Common Hole
Mahmood has recently become the tenant of a man and a woman house. His relationship with the owner of his house is not of the usual type...