Tristan Chytroschek

참여 작품

Die Recyclinglüge
Bureau 39: Kim's Cash Machine
How is it possible that North Korea, one of the poorest countries on earth finances a nuclear weapons program large enough to challenge the USA? The answer: Bureau 39, a legendary organization nestled deep inside the government apparatus. Its aim is to procure foreign exchange by any means possible to provide Kim Jong-un’s regime with money.
딸러 히어로
유엔의 강력한 경제 제재에도 불구하고 북한은 여전히 핵무기를 개발하고, 고위층들의 호화 생활을 보장할 수 있는 충분한 외환을 보유하고 있다. 어떻게 이런 일이 가능할까? 이 영화는 러시아, 중국, 유럽에 나가 외화 벌이를 하고 있는 북한 노동자들에 대한 이야기이다.
Gambling on Extinction
Today, only 3,200 tigers roam in the wild. At the current rate of poaching, elephants, rhinos and tigers living in the wild will be extinct in our lifetime. Who are the global players in this deadly game of power, greed and profit? Who pulls the strings and who are the customers? And why have ivory and rhino horn become perfect investment opportunities?
Songs of War: Music as a Weapon
Music elates, touches the soul and bypasses reason. Music is magic. But precisely this magic can turn it into an insidious weapon for music and violence belong together. The brutal power of African war dances, the ferocity of Maori Hakas, the earth-shattering roar of US sound guns blasting Metallica at Taliban hideouts the principle is always the same: Aggressive sounds demoralise the enemy and whip the allies into a frenzy. In Songs of War, director Tristan Chytroschek explores the extraordinary harmony between music and violence. Sesame Street composer, Christopher Cerf, always wanted his music to be fun and entertaining. But then he learned that his songs had been used to torture prisoners in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. He is stunned by this abuse of his work and wants to find out how this could happen.