Pagano Sobrinho

Pagano Sobrinho

출생 : , São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

사망 : 1972-10-24

프로필 사진

Pagano Sobrinho

참여 작품

The Red Light Bandit
J.B. da Silva
Born and raised in the misery of Brazilian slums, Jorge becomes a luxury house burglar in São Paulo and gets nicknamed "The Red Light Bandit" by the sensationalist press. In addition to wearing a red flashlight, he talks to his hostages in an irreverent tone and makes bold breakthroughs to later spend the money extravagantly. His world is the decadent neighbourhood of Boca do Lixo.
O Homem das Encrencas
I married a Xavante
Vou Te Contá...
A Estrada
Two truck drivers work on Brazilian roads.
Barnabé, You Are Mine
A cleaner accidentely stills a secret formula and get mistaken for the heir prince of an old kingdom.
Noites de Copacabana