Stephanie Collins

참여 작품

레디 오어 낫
Assistant Art Director
한 젊은 신부(사마라 위빙 역)가 부자이며 기이한 가족을 가진 남편(마크 오브라이언 역)과 결혼을 하는데 이 가족의 일원이 되려면 결혼식 날 밤에 끔찍한 게임을 해야 하는 전통이 있다. 어쩔 수 없이 게임을 하게 된 신부의 첫날밤은 생존을 위해 싸워야 하는 불길한 죽음의 게임으로 변하는데...
어 크리스마스 호러 스토리
Art Direction
크리스마스를 배경으로 전개되는 옴니버스 호러물입니다!! '테일즈 오브 할로윈'처럼 라디오 DJ가 이야기를 들려주는 방식으로 각각의 에피소드가 소개되는 데요. 크리스마스 트리를 만들기 위해 숲에서 벌목해 온 나무에 저주가 붙는다든가​.. 산타클로스와 악마와의 대결을 다룬 에피소드 등이 있습니다.
The Night Before the Night Before Christmas
Art Direction
When Santa sets off on his Christmas duties a day early, crashes into the Fox family's house, ends up with amnesia and loses his magic sack of presents, he needs help! But the Fox family are a modern and broken family. Can they help him? The parents are preoccupied with work and the kids aren't very festive. But it's up to them to help Santa find his magical bag of toys and the clock is ticking or Christmas will be ruined. Forced to set their own problems aside and work together the Fox family rediscover how much they enjoy being together and realise that maybe they need to reprioritise their lives. The Night Before The Night Before Christmas is a crazy Christmas fantasy for all the family, brimming with festive spirit.
This Movie Is Broken
Set Decoration
Bruno wakes up in bed next to Caroline, his long time crush. But tomorrow she's off for school in France, and maybe she only granted this miracle as a parting gift for her long time friend. So tonight is Bruno's last chance. And tonight, as it happens, Broken Social Scene, her favourite band, is throwing a big outdoor bash. Maybe if Bruno, with the help of his best pal Blake, can score tickets and give Caroline a night to remember, he can keep this miracle alive.
Art Direction
Shane Bradley, who is fixated on ideas of luck and destiny, tries to win the girl of his dreams. After their relationship falters, Shane begins to think he might be unlucky and turns to gambling as an outlet for his obsession.