Turgay Tanülkü

Turgay Tanülkü

출생 : 1953-07-18, Uşak, Türkiye


1953 Uşak'ta doğdu, Ankara devlet konservatuvarı tiyatro yüksek bölümünden 1976'da mezun oldu. Aynı yıl Ankara Devlet Tiyatrosu'nda göreve başladı. 1970-71 döneminde Leningrad'da Tiyatro akademisi'nin drama kurslarına katıldı ve Psikojimnastik eğitimi aldı. Turgay Tanülkü körler okulu, Çocuk islahevleri ve Türkiye'de 8 Bölge Cezaevinde Tiyatro grupları kurdu. Halen kurduğu gruplarla çalışmalarını sürdürüyor. Tanülkü 1987-89 yılları arasında Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sahne ve Görüntü Sanatları Tiyatro Anasanat Dalı Oyunculuk bölümü]]'nde Rol ve Sahne dersleri verdi. Sanatçı 1984'te Konya'da Uluslararası Reji ödülü aldı. Ankara Yarı Açık Cezaevi Oyuncuları'nın oynadığı Yasalar ve İnsanlar, Misafir adlı oyunlarla Almanya Yeşiller Partisi barış ödülünü Reji dalında, 1988-89 döneminde aldı. Ayrıca meslek hayatı boyunca birçok Sinema, Televizyon ve Seslendirme çalışmalarıda yapmıştır. Halen Devlet Tiyatroları Sanatçı kadrosunda yer almaktadır.

프로필 사진

Turgay Tanülkü

참여 작품

C Takımı
It tells the funny events that a group that became friends in high school in the 1990s experienced together 30 years later.
Five Cities: Ankara
“Tanpınar’s Ankara... An Ankara narrative in the light of Tanpınar, who looked at the Ankara plain from the castle under a sharp glass light and delicately summarized the past, those days and the future of a newly founded city and a country from a rare perspective. ... An Ankara spectacle in five acts that will enable you to encounter Evliya Çelebi in the castle and its surroundings, and to be in the company of Hacı Bayram, Akşemseddin and Tanpınar... A humble tribute from two directors on the 100th anniversary of the Republic and Ankara becoming the Capital, and the 61st anniversary of Tanpınar's death...
Elif Ana
Günahkâr İsmail
Elif Ana is a wise woman who foresaw the future. Even when he was a child, he ran away from home and lived in the mountains and caves for days. In Alevism, "maternal-grandfatherhood" is transferred by blood ties, but Elif Ana is a person who has taken the title of "maternity" even though she is not from her family tree. He is someone who does good to everyone throughout his life. So much so that he is called the good angel around him. He runs to Elif Ana, who is in trouble, has a disease, is in trouble, and has no children. Elif Ana also heals them. However, this woman who does good to everyone sees the worst evil in the world at the end of her life.
Adanis: Kutsal Kavga
Cemal Amca
8 (Sekiz)
구겨진 인생들
빈곤의 그림자가 짙게 드리운 이스탄불의 어느 거리. 날로 악화되는 병마와 싸우던 고물상 메흐메트가 한 아이를 만난다. 오랜 세월 잊고 살았던, 불우한 어린 시절의 자신과 너무나 닮은 작고 소중한 아이를.
Vicdan Ağacı
Impossible Probability
Reis Baba
Tarik is a mathematics teacher who is assigned from Anatolia to Istanbul. Director and other teachers explain to him that the school is a difficult one. First of all, the neighborhood is full of unwanted events. Men wait on the corners trying to sell drugs to kids. On top of all, his students hate math class. Tarik's worldview is not only about teaching mathematics but also about turning math into a system that the students can and use in their daily news. As a teacher, he has various ways to get his students interested in the subject. He tries to win them over by reflecting on the mathematical problems and symbols in their daily lives. However, students cannot concentrate on their classes due to the conditions of the school. Tarik finds himself in a huge struggle from the first day on.
Kanlı Postal
Code Name K.O.Z.
Özkan Hoca
Political and social processes in recent and current Turkish political history.
Moses Without Rod
The life of the writer, intellectual, spokesman of democracy, and activist Musa Anter is now a movie rich in metaphors and images.
Toprağa Uzanan Eller
Absolute Justice
After a horrific attack on his wife and daughter, Metin's life is turned upside down. Driven to take revenge, Metin soon finds that vengeance is a brutal road.
Halam Geldi
Gelmeyen Bahar
Tokuçar Noyan
The Season has Blossomed
Nazmi and his wife Cicek are a Turkish family living in Germany with their daughter Mevsim. Nazmi constantly beats his wife Cicek. For this reason, the social state institutions of Germany take Cicek and her daughter Mevsim under protection by intervening. Placed in a women's shelter, Cicek meets a woman named Esra and becomes friends. In fact, this friendship progresses from the shelter to renting a house together. However, when they get into the taxi of a taxi driver named Asaf, unexpected things will happen to them.
Bir Ses Böler Geceyi
Bektaş Sofu
Almanya’daki şöhretli, zengin, fakat mutsuz hayatını arkasında bırakıp sade ve normal bir hayata kavuşma arzusundaki Şahin K., Bodrum’da yaşamaya karar verir. Kötü şöhreti yüzünden kaybettiği oğlu Caner’e kavuşmak için çabalarken kasabanın sıkıntılarını da çözecek bir halk kahramanı haline gelir. Peşini bırakmayan şöhreti onu farklı maceralara sürükleyecektir.
Two friends originally from Izmir-Eşrefpaşa have settled in Istanbul… While Tayyar (Hüseyin Soysalan) has become a mafia leader based on his passion for power and ruling, Davut (Turgay Tanülkü) has been managing a café in his small neighbourhood. Both have loved the same woman, Madam Eleni (Sermin Hürmeriç). But she had to get married to Tayyar despite her love for Davut. She also had a daughter called Duygu (Deniz Özpınar). However, Tayyar, knowing that Eleni’s heart belongs to Davut, leaves Eleni and his daughter alone. Tayyar, continuously looking for ways for revenge, finally finds it in convincing Nusret (Burak Tarık), Davut’s adopted son, to choose his dirty way. Nusret, the tough-guy of the neighbourhood gets into a big dilemma since he couldn’t make a choice between his girl as well as the people he loves and money and power.
Çıngıraklı Top
İncir Çekirdeği
Yaşar Ne Yaşar Ne Yaşamaz
Koğuş Ağası Halil
The Storm
A true-to-life epic of Kurdish students excitedly anticipating social revolution.
Son Cellat
Odin James
A trained prosecutor and an ignorant villager have to help each other out in prison conditions.
Cars of the Revolution
In the years of military coup, Turkey was unable to produce its own cars. But Pasha believed that Turkish people can produce their own cars so he ordered 2 cars. Gunduz and engineers with him must produce 2 cars in only 130 days!
Bayrampaşa Ben Fazla Kalmayacağım
천국의 가장자리
터키계 독일인 네자트는 자신의 아버지가 데리고 온 여자친구 예테르가 매춘부라는 사실이 마음에 들지 않지만 그녀가 터키에 있는 딸을 위해 돈을 벌고 있다는 사실을 알게 되고 예테르를 이해하게 된다. 하지만 아버지의 실수로 예테르가 목숨을 잃게 되고 이 사건을 계기로 네자트는 예테르의 딸을 찾아 터키의 이스탄불로 간다. 한편 예테르의 딸, 아이텐은 이스탄불에서 정치운동을 하다가 경찰에게 쫓겨 독일로 피해 와 있다. 아이텐은 우연히 만난 로테라는 독일 여학생의 도움을 받아 그녀의 집에 머무르면서 그녀와 연인 사이로 발전하게 된다. 로테의 보수적인 어머니 수잔느는 이러한 그녀들의 행동과 생각들을 받아들일 수 없다. 그러나 아이텐은 독일 경찰에게 잡혀 터키로 강제 송환되고 감옥에 갇히게 된다. 로테는 터키로 가서 아이텐을 풀어주려고 노력하지만 희망이 보이지 않는다. 영화 소개. 감독인 파티 아킨은 실제 자기 주위 사람들의 이야기와 전작들부터 추구했었던 독일과 터키와의 관계에 대한 내용을 바탕으로 이 각본을 썼다. 이 영화의 마지막 장면에서 수잔느와 아이텐이 껴안을 때 그 옆에 보이는 책상 위에 독일과 터키의 국기가 마치 껴안는 것마냥 나란히 꽂혀 있음을 볼 수 있는데 이것은 감독의 친구이자 파트너인 안드레스 티엘이 놓아둔 것이다. 수잔느와 아이텐이 껴안는 모습은 바로 독일과 터키의 진정한 화해를 의미한다고 볼 수 있다. 국가 간 갈등, 세대 간 갈등, 남자와 여자 간 갈등, 보수와 진보 간 갈등 등을 뛰어넘기 위해서는 서로를 받아들이려는 마음가짐이 필요하며 바로 그러한 일들이 실천되는 곳이야말로 천국이라는 것을 영화는 역설하고 있다.
The political drama "Zincirbozan" was written by journalist Avni Özgürel, and depicted the period between 1979 and 1983, the most tumultous years in the recent Turkish history. Zincirbozan shows a chronology of the most significant events in this period , such as the assassination of the famous journalist Abdi İpekçi, the escalating terrorism in the run up to the 1980 military coup, the futile attempts of politicians to stop the turmoil and terror on the streets, the military taking over the government, and the exiling of the political figures, and depicts the period with new insights into its less known aspects. The movie is named after the Zincirbozan military complex in the city of Çanakkale, where the leading politicans of the period were interned.
Mavi Gözlü Dev
Riza is a truck driver. When his truck breaks down, Riza can’t work and his livelihood is threatened. Using every possible means, he desparately tries to drum up the money for the repairs. And this includes being prepared to commit a brutal crime.
Sirens in the Aegean
A group of Greek solders, who serve their military service in Kos, is sent to guard the skerry of Pitta. Everything looked normal until a Turkish boat disembarks 4 castaways on Pitta.
The İmam
A young and successful entrepreneur has difficulty in coming to terms with his religious upbringing. One day he is pushed into substitute for his ailing friend as the Imam of a small village.
Ayın Karanlık Yüzü
Kayıp Cennet İnsanları