Craig Jordan

Craig Jordan

프로필 사진

Craig Jordan

참여 작품

The Bronx Bull
Youth Prisoner
A combination "before the rage" and "after the rage" of world middleweight boxing champion Jake LaMotta's tumultuous life and times.
블랙의 50가지 그림자
Mrs. Robinson's Stud (uncredited)
"블랙씨가 이제 만나시겠답니다." 순수하지만, 매력은 조금 떨어지는 사회 초년생 '해나'는 아픈 친구를 대신해 잘나가는 흑인 갑부 CEO '크리스찬 블랙'을 인터뷰하게 된다. 섹시 여비서의 경고에도 불구하고 여자라면 빠져들 수밖에 없는 '블랙'의 묘한 마력에 단숨에 매료된 '해나'. 그 역시 신선한 매력의 모태솔로 '해나'에게 호기심을 갖는다. 한편, '해나'는 누가 봐도 완벽남 '블랙'이 어린 시절 연상의 음악 선생님에게 당한 치욕적인 굴욕으로 인해 독특한 성적 취향을 지녔다는 사실을 알게 된다 '블랙'의 비밀의 방에 입실하게 된 '해나'. 그녀 역시 거부할 수 없는 본능에 서서히 눈을 뜨게 되는데.....
Nate Flanigan
Two brothers, Nate and Steven, reconnect after the death of their parents. During this time of mourning, the two brothers' unrelenting love for each other threatens a secret they had buried.
Remarkable Shades of Gay
Remarkable Shades of Gay is a compilation of 9 short films shot by award winning LGBTQ director William Branden Blinn between 2008 and 2014. Included in the compilation are Thirteen or So Minutes... (2008); Chased (2009); Never or Now (2013); Without a Mom (2011); Triple Standard (2010); Toeing the Line (2013); À la carte (2013); Truth or Dare (2014); and He She We (2010).
À la carte
Brian has had an ongoing DILF fantasy since he was old enough to think about it; finally capitalizing on the opportunity he is stunned to realize that what he actually wants is a whole lot more.
Mockingbird Lane
Settling into their new home—the rambling Victorian mansion at 1313 Mockingbird Lane— the Munster are quickly onto the mission at hand: to gently ease sweet little Eddie into the reality of his werewolf adolescence. The loving, supportive, run-of-the-mill family includes his mom Lily, the daughter of Dracula, his dad Herman, who brings new meaning to "Frankenstein," and Grandpa! Of course, there's creepy cousin Marilyn, who's really the odd one because she's so completely normal.
Zombies Ate My Prom Date
A group of teens from different social gatherings must co-exist and survive Prom from their entire Senior class of zombies.
Zombies Anonymous: Last Rites of the Dead
Solstice's Army
In an imagined reality where zombies coexist with ordinary mortal folk, the undead are considered second-class citizens. Angela finds this out the hard way when she's shot by her boyfriend and must learn to adjust to her new zombie lifestyle. She tempers her hunger for human flesh with Zombies Anonymous meetings and tries to pass for living in the mortal world.