Deborah Oppenheimer

참여 작품

With one in eight American children suffering a confirmed case of neglect or abuse by age 18, there are currently more than 400,000 children in foster care in the U.S., a number that continues to grow each year. Drawing on unprecedented access, FOSTER explores the often-misunderstood world of foster care through compelling stories from the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, the largest county child welfare agency in the country.
낯선 사람들의 품속으로
제 2차 세계대전이 일어나기 9개월 전, 나찌 치하의 홀로코스트에서 유태인 어린이들이 탈출을 감행한다. 영국으로 망명한 이 어린이들 중 대부분은 다시는 그들의 부모를 만나지 못하고 독일 군대에 쫓기게 된다. 그러면서도 새로운 양부모를 영국에서 만나기도 하고 자신의 친부모들을 나찌치하에서 구해내기 위해 미약한 힘을 모으기도 한다.
'Master Harold'... and the Boys
Associate Producer
When Harold, a young white man, learns that his alcoholic, handicapped father is returning home, his frustration turns into racist viciousness against the two black men who work for the family.
Associate Producer
Three of Ernest Thompson's short plays are presented, each involving a surprise visitor. In the first, "A Good Time," a vacationing California Highway Patrolman visits a young woman in New York who had told him if he ever came to New York, she'd show him a good time. In the second, "The Constituent," a United States Senator drops in on a constituent who has been sending him scathing and profane letters for decades. Lastly, in "Twinkle, Twinkle," a restless housewife who has been writing fan letters to a television soap opera star, receives a surprise visit by him on her husband's bowling night.