John Centrone

참여 작품

Bloody Island
The world now knows the story of this small town massacre, seven Community Service workers and many others, on one horrendous weekend lead by officer Bob Butterfield, an old childhood tormentor of psychiatric serial killer Billy Fouls, but they don't know that you can't kill Billy. Getting ready to take a break from reality for a while, Officer Bob Butterfield agrees to one last job, a few hundred miles away, at an abandon amusement park on a private island. With two x Marines joining on the journey as Community Service Officers, no better way to keep the ten Community Service Workers in line, right? The owner of the amusement park, a cracked out clown, and his pal, "a little person", are always on premise and loves to put on a good show for the very few who find this island. The question is, will they be the ones putting on the show.
Diffability Hollywood
Score Engineer
"Diffability Hollywood is a documentary about Hollywood's portrayal of people with disabilities in films throughout history. One of filmmaker Adrian Esposito's main goals in making this film is to have people with disabilities portrayed in a less stereotypical way and to advocate for more inclusion of writers, directors and actors with disabilities into the movie industry.
Original Music Composer
베트콩과의 전투가 치열해지던 시기. 손가락이 잘린 채 사망한 미군 시신이 작전지역 주변에서 연이어 발견되자 미군 사령부는 진상파악을 위한 조사에 나서게 되고, 조사를 맡게 된 쿡 대위는 이 사건이 얼마 전 작전 중 연락이 두절된 특수부대원들과 관련이 있을 것이라 판단하고 크리스 제이콥스 중위와 그의 팀원들을 사건지역에 급파하는데...