Kate Valk
출생 : 1956-03-07, Spokane, Washington, USA
An exploration of Soviet director Sergei Eisenstein's notes and drawings for a science fiction movie that he pitched to Paramount in 1930 about the residents of a skyscraper with walls and floors of clear glass.
In The Wooster Group’s HAMLET, Shakespeare’s classic tragedy is re-imagined by mixing and repurposing Richard Burton’s 1964 Broadway production, directed by John Gielgud. The Burton production was recorded in live performance from 17 camera angles and edited into a film that was shown as a special event for only two days in nearly 1,000 movie houses across the U.S. The idea of bringing a live theater experience to thousands of simultaneous viewers in different cities was trumpeted as a new form called “Theatrofilm,” made possible through “the miracle of Electronovision.” The Wooster Group attempts to reverse the process, reconstructing a hypothetical theater piece from the fragmentary evidence of the edited film. We channel the ghost of the legendary 1964 performance, descending into a kind of madness, intentionally replacing our own spirit with the spirit of another.
Dr. L.
Told through memory and metaphor, Utopians is a dark and subtly comic character study of three people on the edge: of society, of control, and of collapse. Roger is a yoga teacher. His daughter Zoe returns home from the military and to Rogers dismay resumes her relationship with her allegedly schizophrenic girlfriend Maya. Opposed to Zoe's pursuit of Maya but eager to be a part of his daughters life, Roger becomes entangled in the ups and downs of their relationship. Increasingly late and obviously distracted during his yoga classes, his few remaining students begin to lose patience. When Rogers well-meaning friend Morris offers them a live-in renovation job in an upscale Brooklyn home, the three of them move in and start a job they are not exactly qualified for. Living rent-free provides them with a respite from the responsibilities and expectations of the outside world. Together they try to find comfort in their new reality while being revisited by their troubled pasts.
The OBIE-winning collision of Gertrude Stein's Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights with Joseph Mawra's B-movie classic, Olga's House of Shame.
Agent Volk
상원의원 엘리노 쇼는 아들을 부 대통령으로 만들려고 아들까지 세뇌시키고 반대파 정치인들을 암살하려는 음모는 물론, '맨츄리안 글로벌'이라는 기업과 뒷거래를 서슴치 않는다. 그러는 와중, 주인공 마르코도 걸프전에서 그들로부터 세뇌를 당하고 고퉁을 당하고 있지만 사실을 파 해치고자 그들과 정면으로 부딪히는데.....
Shareen and Claire, a lesbian couple living on Staten Island, find themselves ensnared in a vast conspiracy involving a ghost ship of nuclear refuse, ominous television commercials, and deadly cat food.
Masha / Narrator
The Wooster Group's production of Anton Chekhov's Three Sisters, translated by Paul Schmidt and directed by Elizabeth LeCompte, with performances from Kate Valk, Peyton Smith, Scott Shepherd, Ari Fliakos, Anna Kohler, Beatrice Roth, Ron Vawter, and Willem Dafoe. This presentation of the 2003 production of BRACE UP!, designed by Ken Kobland and LeCompte, incorporates close-up recordings of the performers simultaneously with continuous wide-angle footage.
White Homeland Commando takes the familiar terrain of network action drama and tilts the playing field. Reminiscent of today's popular reality-based cop shows, White Homeland Commando offers a straightforward story: four members of a special police unit investigate and infiltrate a New York-based white supremacist organization. But that is where the commonplace ends. The teleplay is shot and edited in a highly textured visual style, the colors are subdued yet somehow garish, and the sound is deliberately just out of sync with the speaker's lips. Occasional static combines with jumps in the plot — the editing is reminiscent of a television viewer flipping channels.
Production Design
Rhyme 'Em To Death reconstructs the trial from Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame from a new perspective, that of a minor character - the goat. The trial of the goat, a postscript in the Hugo novel, has been extended and enlivened with actual transcripts of 15th-century trials in which animals were persecuted as witches.
Rhyme 'Em To Death reconstructs the trial from Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame from a new perspective, that of a minor character - the goat. The trial of the goat, a postscript in the Hugo novel, has been extended and enlivened with actual transcripts of 15th-century trials in which animals were persecuted as witches.
뉴욕 거리를 종횡무진으로 질주하면서 오스틴이라는 노숙자의 이야기를 들려준다. 우스꽝스러운 강박증을 가진 흉악범이기도 한 오스틴은 록 음악 평론가이자 철학과 학생인 윌리암스를 만나 의기투합한다.
(segment "Greed")
Seven Women, Seven Sins (1986) represents a quintessential moment in film history. The women filmmakers invited to direct for the seven sins were amongst the world's most renown: Helke Sander (Gluttony), Bette Gordon (Greed), Maxi Cohen (Anger), Chantal Akerman (Sloth), Valie Export (Lust), Laurence Gavron (Envy), and Ulrike Ottinger (Pride). Each filmmaker had the liberty of choosing a sin to interpret as they wished. The final film reflected this diversity, including traditional narrative fiction, experimental video, a musical, a radical documentary, and was delivered in multiple formats from 16, super 16, video and 35mm.
Immigration Staff/Flying Saucer
The story of Willard from Ashley's opera Atalanta, recounted in 3 parts.