Mary - The Maid
A rich count invites a theatre troupe to his home on an isolated island... but soon people start getting murdered. Has the family curse struck again?
Wife of Wolfgang
Venamina - The Gypsy
A couple of wandering hippies meet a man by the name of Antonio who takes them to the home where he lives with his sister and brother-in-law. There they meet several strange characters: a gypsy woman, a prostitute and a disturbing drunk. The host tells them that he is a producer of wines and loves to entertain strange people. In fact he is a madman who has created a mechanism that can suck blood from human bodies.
Two spouses, whose marriage is shipwrecked, recall during a last meeting, scenes and episodes of their life as a couple.
Hippie Dancer (uncredited)
페루자에서 여학생들을 교살하는 연쇄살인 사건이 일어난다. 사건을 담당한 마르티노는 검정색과 붉은색이 섞인 스카프를 결정적인 증거로 잡고 탐문 수사를 해보지만 스카프 상인인 지아니에게서 아무 정보를 얻지 못한다. 그러나 사실은 그 스카프를 기억하고 있었던 지아니가 범인을 눈치채고 협박하다 살해당하고 만다. 한편 대학생인 제인과 다니엘라, 카티아, 우르술라는 교외의 외딴 별장으로 휴가를 떠나기로 한다. 하지만 불행히도, 연쇄살인범은 이들을 쫓아가기로 한다.
After returning to Catania after a long period of time, Giuseppe reunites with his old lover, Caterina. Her 15 year-old daughter, Graziella begins to seduce her mother's lover and he soon breaks down and begins an affair with her. As time passes Caterina begins having sneaking suspicions about Giuseppe's & Graziella's relationship.
Monna Lisetta
The characters are two ruffians in various disguises: as false priests, they sell a rotten arm pretending it to be a relic of St. Luke; they cheat a stingy friar who abuses of the confessional to get rich and, once he finds out he's been cheated, gives himself sacramental absolution. They help the noble Filippo, disguised as a woman, in the alcove of the innkeeper's wife; they save from despair Fra Martino who had forgotten his underwear in his lover's house (one of them disguised as a cardinal retrieve the garment and expose it as a relic to the devotion of the faithful). To live with their lovers, Brother Jeronimo strives exorcisms and frà Partenope pretends to fight with the devil
Queen Aziza confidant
Italian sex comedy version of Arabian Nights
The writer, Geoffrey Chaucer, finds himself in an inn, together with pilgrims who are going to Canterbury. Since the bad weather prevents departure, the men entertain themselves by telling each other spicy stories.