Avi Zev Weider

참여 작품

스트리트 갱: 하우 위 갓 투 세서미 스트리트
Sound Mixer
Take a stroll down Sesame Street and witness the birth of the most influential children's show in television history. From the iconic furry characters to the classic songs you know by heart, learn how a gang of visionary creators changed the world.
Sound Mixer
현시대 아빠들의 모습을 따듯하고 유쾌하게 담아낸 다큐멘터리. 유명 코미디언을 비롯한 다양한 사람들이 아빠가 되며 마주한 기쁨의 순간들, 예기치 못하게 일어난 문제들, 웃음과 감동으로 가득한 일화를 소개한다
부엌의 전사들
식당 주방은 과도한 업무와 수면부족에 시달리는 사람들의 엄청난 스트레스로 터질 듯한 긴장감이 꽉 차 있는 곳이다. 영역 구분이 엄격하고 서열이 낮은 사람은 부당한 대우를 감내한다. 하지만 유명 주방장의 익숙한 독불장군 행세를 보는 것도 이제 한계에 다다랐다. 여성들이 주방의 지휘권을 잡기 시작하면서, 한 때 관행으로 여겨졌던 노동 환경은 젊은 세대에게는 더이상 받아들여지지 않는다. ‘주방 문화’의 규칙이 다시 쓰여지고 있다. 영화는 관객을 주방 안으로 끌어들여, 보이지 않는 장벽을 깬 선구자들을 소개한다.
Ghostbox Cowboy
Location Sound Mixer
Tech entrepreneur Jimmy Van Horn arrives in China armed with an invention and confidence, only to learn that being American is not enough to succeed.
Welcome to the Machine
Upon fathering triplets, filmmaker Avi Zev Weider explores the nature of technology, revealing that all its discussions are about what it means to be human.
Welcome to the Machine
Upon fathering triplets, filmmaker Avi Zev Weider explores the nature of technology, revealing that all its discussions are about what it means to be human.
Scott Walker: 30 Century Man
Associate Producer
A documentary on the influential musician Scott Walker.
Associate Producer
This documentary about the culture of intense cinephilia in New York City reveals the impassioned world of five obsessed movie buffs. These human encyclopedias of cinema see two to five films a day, and from 600 to 2,000 films per year. This is the story of their lives, their memories, their unbending habits and the films they love.
I Remember
Set and shot chronologically in natural light over one hour at dusk, I REMEMBER materialized out of this sense of intangible loss and a desire to hold on to memories that, however fleeting, give our lives meaning.
I Remember
Set and shot chronologically in natural light over one hour at dusk, I REMEMBER materialized out of this sense of intangible loss and a desire to hold on to memories that, however fleeting, give our lives meaning.
I Remember
Set and shot chronologically in natural light over one hour at dusk, I REMEMBER materialized out of this sense of intangible loss and a desire to hold on to memories that, however fleeting, give our lives meaning.