Costume Design
'선택적 지각 오류'라는 증상으로 살아 있는 어머니의 존재를 인식하지 못한 채 살고 있는 엘리자베스. 어느 날, 남자친구이자 심리학자인 파머의 사무실에 갔다가 자신이 인식하지 못하는 또 다른 존재가 있다는 걸 알게 되면서 엘리자베스는 혼란에 빠지는데...
Costume Design
Frances Ferguson, the eponymous character at the center of Bob Byington’s new film, is discontent. Like a lot of us, she does a bit of “acting out” and pays the price —an arrest, a trial, incarceration. And then a new identity, one that’s not terribly comfortable. Nick Offerman narrates this deviant comedy, based on actual events.
Costume Design
Owing to a genetic mix-up involving stem cell research, the recently founded company Infinity Baby is able to offer a service for aspiring parents who never want to leave the baby bubble — infants that do not age.
Costume Design
텍사스에서 남편과 함께 중고의류 샵을 운영하는 에이프릴은 남편의 외도를 발견하고 분노에 휩싸인다. 그녀는 판매할 옷을 불태우고 근사한 외모의 남자와 바람을 피우지만 그래도 풀리지 않는 분노는 옷을 향한 기이한 집착으로 발전한다.
(2017년 제21회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Costume Design
As Mark, Jen, Sylvia, and Jake navigate through their emotionally-arrested states, X/Y reveals the honest and wanton desire we all have to connect with someone and what is at stake when that connection fades.
Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me is a feature-length documentary film about the dismal commercial failure, subsequent massive critical acclaim, and enduring legacy of pop music's greatest cult phenomenon, Big Star.
Assistant Costume Designer
Emilia, a law-school graduate, falls in love with her married boss, Jack. After Emilia marries Jack, her happiness turns unexpectedly to grief following the death of her infant daughter. Devastated, Emilia nonetheless carries on, attempting to forge a connection with her stepson William and to resist the interference of Jack's jealous ex-wife.
Assistant Costume Designer
작은 시골 마을에서 범행을 저질렀던 한 연쇄살인마가 죽기 전에 자기가 죽는 날 태어난 아이들을 죽이러 다시 돌아오겠다는 말을 한다. 살인마가 죽은지 16년 후 마을의 아이들이 사라지기 시작한다.
Costume Design
Emma has a strong aversion towards her family’s new house, especially the attic. After moving in, she becomes miserable and reclusive. The rest of her family also seems unhappy and unsettled. The situation escalates one day when Emma is in the attic alone. All of a sudden someone who looks exactly like Emma attacks her viciously.