Elena Panova
출생 : 1977-06-09, Arkhangelsk, RSFSR, USSR
Yelena's father was a theater director and an art director of the Arkhangelsk Regional Youth Theatre. Her mother is teacher of piano at Arkhangelsk Pedagogical College. The elder sister is an actress. ] Elena Panova, graduated from the school-studio of Moscow Art Theater in 1999 and joined to the same theater. She debuted in 1997 in the movie "Christmas Story" and then starred in the film by Daniel Schmid, Switzerland, "Berezina, or The Last Days of Switzerland" (1999). Popularity was brought to her role Galina tow in the series A. Mitta "Border. Taiga Romance" and Vicky in the film of A. Sidorov's "Shadow Boxing".
The history of the confrontation between two worlds: the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Ural Parma, the ancient Perm lands inhabited by pagans. Here heroes and ghosts, princes and shamans, Voguls and Muscovites will clash. At the center of the conflict of civilizations is the fate of the Russian prince Mikhail, who fell in love with the young Tiche, a witch-lamia capable of taking on the form of a lynx. Passion for the pagan and fidelity to forbidden love, a campaign against the Voguls, bloody battles and a short peace, the battle between Muscovy and Parma, the hero will face trials in which it is not so terrible to part with life as to commit treason.
A young forty-year-old surgeon Oleg Volkov has been appointed to the post of chief physician of the maternity hospital, who is trying to change the abortive consciousness of society at least at the level of his maternity hospital, where, in addition to childbirth, abortions are also performed - as elsewhere in Russia.
러시아의 음침하고 허름한 공장. 하루 일해 하루 먹고 사는 공장 노동자들에게 공장을 폐쇄한다는 청천벽력과도 같은 소식이 전해지자 이들은 악덕 고용주 칼루긴을 납치해 몸값을 챙겨 살 궁리를 하게 되는데…
Tatyana Belyaeva
미국과 소련은 급속한 냉전 시대 속에서 우주의 열망을 꿈꾸고 있었다. 두 나라 모두 2인 유인 우주선 발사에 총력을 기울였고, 소련의 노련한 비행사인 알렉세이에게 이 중대한 임무가 주어지게 된다. 약 2년 동안의 훈련을 거쳐 드디어 1965년 3월 소련이 먼저 우주선 발사에 성공하게 된다. 발사 성공에 모두의 기쁨도 잠시, 우주선의 이상으로 곧 착륙할 위기에 놓인 알렉세이와 그의 동료는 어쩔 수 없는 불시착을 시도하고 항공우주센터에서 포착할 수 없는 눈으로 뒤 덮인 어디론가 착륙하게 된다. 인류 최초의 2인 유인 우주선의 주인공이었던 알렉세이와 그의 동료는 이 위기를 벗어날 수 있을 것인가?
디마는 800여 세대가 사는 오랜 아파트에서 가족과 함께 살고 있다. 비좁은 아파트에 늘 궁색한 그의 삶은 답답하기만 하다. 자신의 오랜 아파트가 심각한 위험에 처해있음을 알게 되고, 시급한 보수와 대피를 요청하기 위해 행정기관들을 찾는다. 하지만 부패와 무관심에 찌든 시장과 관료들은 디마의 요청에 귀 기울이지 않는다. 가족과 이웃의 생존을 위해, 디마는 홀로 부패한 관료사회에 전쟁을 선포한다. 2012년 칸영화제 비평가주간에서 선보인 (2013)로 눈길을 끈 유리 비코프의 신작 은 현대 러시아 사회의 병폐에 날카로운 메스를 들이대는 감독의 일관된 관심사를 보여준다‘. 러시아적인’ 감수성과 입체적인 캐릭터, 사회비판적 태도를 완성도 높게 결합해내는 감독의 역량은 현대 러시아 영화작가들의 흐름을 대변하고 있다. 고전적인 히어로의 토포스를 독특하게 체화하고 있는 디마 역의 아르툠 비스트로프는 올해 로카르노영화제 남우주연상을 수상했다.
Thanks to a chain of comic and a little strange circumstances, a simple girl Lisa from the working outskirts of Moscow, where she lives with her plumber father, gets a job as a housekeeper to the successful owner of a fashionable glossy magazine
출근길의 시민들로 발 딛을 틈 없는 모스크바 지하철 안. 아무 문제 없어 보이던 지하철 터널에 금이 가기 시작하고, 결국 천정이 무너지며 모스크바 강물이 삽시간에 터널 안으로 유입되고 만다. 방대한 규모의 강물이 지하철로에 차오르게 되고, 생존을 위한 마지막 탈출을 감행하기에 이른 모스크바의 시민들. 그곳에서 의사 안드레이와 딸 크세니아 역시 목숨을 건 사투를 벌이게 되는데, 절체절명의 순간 아내의 내연남 마주치고 만다. 살아남기 위해서 죽어도 용서할 수 없는 아내의 내연남과 손을 잡아야만 하는 안드레이.. 그 시각 정부는 추가 인명 피해을 막기 위해 모든 탈출구를 봉쇄하기에 이르고, 안드레이를 비롯한 터널 안의 생존자들은 유일한 희망 스탈린의 비밀 벙커를 찾아야만 하는데...
Champion boxer Artyom Kolchin climbed all conceivable heights and became a national hero. He does not enter the boxing ring any more, rather choosing a coaching job and wild high life, including continuous TV appearances, hanging out and love affairs. One morning his daughter and his wife Vika meet him at home. Vika does not see the Artyom she once fell in love with in him any longer... The externally happy life of Kolchin comes to an end when the boxer he trains is almost killed during a match with the famous Kuerte. Artyom suspects that he used some forbidden technique. To obtain the proof, he has to go to Hong Kong where his long-time friend Vagit Valiev waits for him: he knows something about Kuerte which is not known to anyone else. To win, Artyom will have to enter the ring again.
신비로운 기운을 가진 러시아 소녀 마리나는 학교의 킹카인 아투르를 짝사랑 하지만 그는 자신의 친구인 비카와 사귀는 사이다. 세르게이 교수의 수업 중 일부인 민속 답사를 함께하게 된 학생들은 낯선 시골 숲 속에서 이상한 노인을 만나게 된다. 노인은 일행에게 식사 초대를 한다. 그날 밤, 마리나는 호수에서 우연히 아투르와 사랑을 나누게 되는데 이 광경을 비카와 친구들에게 들키고 만다. 수치심을 느낀 마리나는 숲 속으로 도망가고 평소 마리나에게 호감을 가지고 있던 코스티아는 그녀를 따라가게 된다. 우연히 숲 속에 버려진 집에 들어가게 된 마리나와 코스티아는 마녀로 보이는 미이라와 이상한 기운을 지닌 방패를 발견하게 된다. 방패를 잡은 마리나에게 이상한 일이 벌어지고 마리나와 코스티아를 찾던 일행은 구조 요청을 하게 되는데 헬기로 도착한 것은 구조대가 아닌 특수 부대원들. 이제 마리나와 그녀의 친구들은 상상하지도 못한 신기한 일들을 겪게 되는데…
One more year is likely to appear in the traditional Eastern horoscope- the Year of the Golden Fish. The film's protagonist, a singing red-haired beauty, Lada Rybka, had decided to fulfil at least three cherished wishes, written on a piece of paper. Everything in her life has gone well - concert tours, a TV recording and love. Lada gathers some ex-classmates for a women's reunion party before her marriage to Vadim. The young ladies talk about life, and Lada persuades teacher Asya, policewoman Masha and business lady Nina, that in life everything is possible - you simply have to know what you want. The friends write their desires on pieces of paper, and Lada promises them that they will come true -- for sure. Except that Fate has already made its own arrangements.
When Artem Kolchin, Denis Nikiforov, arrives in the U.S. to fight for the championship, he soon finds himself fighting for his life after he sends a young, aggressive boxer, who provokes him into sparring, into a coma and ultimately killing him. That is when Artem finds out that the young boxer was none other than the only son of Felix Mendez, the powerful Mexican mafia kingpin, played masterfully by Victor Herminio Lopez, and when the real fight begins.
The plot revolves around an employee of the German Embassy, which is ahead of schedule, returns from a business trip to his Moscow apartment.
The detective Nadezhda Postnikova appeared, as in a sight of a sniper rifle, in the crosshairs of all vital problems at once. It all started with the fact that her friend, businessman Miroslavsky left the city on urgent business, not answering the main question of their relationship — whether they be together.
Artem Kolchin was one of many, but he wanted glory. And he has chosen the way: he became the boxer. Now Artem the applicant for a champion title, fighter, known worldwide as Great White Hope. But the main fight in his life has not gone how he expected...
Galina Zhgut
Far East. 70th years. A small garrison on the border with China. Here, as everywhere, there are men and women. Everyone has his own story, his own destiny, his own love. The common thing is that they all came here once on duty and stayed for a long time. Marina Goloshchekina is nice, kind, right. Galya The tourniquet is intelligent, passionate, determined. Albina Raven - extravagant, unpredictable, thin. Three friends, three sisters in happiness and misfortune, officers' wives. They help each other stand in this completely feminine world, where every man has a gun! And this means that love and danger go hand in hand. Marina quite unexpectedly meets her true love of the young officer Ivan Stolbov. Learn about this new secret love girlfriend. On the one hand, you can rejoice over Marina. But how can she rejoice herself, if behind five years of marriage with a strong, strong-willed and very unpredictable Nikita Goloshchekin?
A naive girl's love for Switzerland is put to the test in this satiric comedy. Irina is a woman from Russia who all her life has always been fascinated by Switzerland and longs to live there some day, though her notion of Swiss life has more to do with Heidi and old movies set in the Alps than reality.
Polina in his youth
After Polina, a mother of six, loses her husband, who went to jail for stealing charcoal and was killed when he tried to escape, she stays behind without any support. To be able to survive, Polina and her family start a folk group. But soon she understands that her children deserve a better fate, and she takes the desperate decision to steal a plane and go abroad... Fifteen years later, Polina is released from prison and finds out that fate has scattered her children all over the country: one is in the army, another is a miner in the Donbass, and the oldest, Lyonchik, who used to be in a mental institution, now pretends to be insane. Polina gathers all of her sons to free their older brother from the psychiatric hospital...