M.J. McCarthy

참여 작품

Hey There
In this early short Harold Lloyd sneaks into a movie studio in order to locate an attractive young lady he's just met at a snack bar. He's retrieved a letter she dropped and wants to return it to her, but it's pretty clear that his interest extends beyond mere politeness. (She's the adorable young Bebe Daniels, so this is easy to understand.) The movie studio setting provides Harold with lots of opportunities to do what comedians do in comedies like this one: flirt with actresses, anger the studio brass, and dash through sets disrupting everything.
개 같은 인생
Unemployed Man (uncredited)
영화 에는 ‘비참한 생활'이란 의미가 담겨있다. 이 영화에서 찰리가 들개 스크랩을 버리지 않고 보살피는 까닭은 그 개를 통해 자기 자신을 보기 때문일 것이다. 길거리에서 잠을 자는 떠돌이 생활은 채플린 자신의 체험에서 온 것이기도 하며 당시 사회모습의 반영이기도 하다. 가난한 찰리는 공터에서 살고 있다. 일자리를 구하려고 애쓰지만 번번히 실패하는 찰리. 실의에 빠져 돌아오던 찰리는 다른 떠돌이 개들한테 공격을 받던 암캐 스크랩을 구해주고 집으로 데려온다. 스크랩의 도움으로 소시지를 훔치는 데 성공한 찰리는 댄스홀에 가지만 돈이 없어서 쫓겨나고 만다. 그런데 스크랩이 땅에 묻힌 지갑을 우연히 파내자, 찰리는 그 안에 든 돈으로 댄스홀에 간다.
Look Pleasant, Please
A photo studio operator seems only interested in flirting with women. Hilarity ensues.
Hit Him Again
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
Jerry and the Outlaws
Jerry from the top of a tree is making love to his girl at the window opposite. A policeman interferes and is put to sleep when Jerry falls on him. Jerry appropriates his clothes and enters his girl's home, arrests her father, who has been peppering him with a gun, and has him sent to the police station. Jerry gets his autoped and starts with the daughter for a ride. In the country they are discovered by Bad Bill and his outlaws. They take Jerry and the girl to a cabin where a fight ensues as to who shall have possession of the girl. It is finally decided that the bandits shall draw cards. Jerry objects and is locked in the attic. He escapes by climbing down the wall. Entering the cabin, he crawls along the floor, frisks the bandits' guns from their holsters and makes the bandits back against the door. Meanwhile the policeman has recovered consciousness and with his brother officers starts on Jerry's trail. They arrive at the cabin as Jerry is about to flee.