Additional Music
In this animated documentary, Los Angeles filmmaker Dion Labriola recounts his all-consuming childhood quest to contact his teen idol, Ike Eisenmann - and the magical turn of events that led him toward his goal (some 40 years later).
Original Music Composer
Mixing fiction and reality, filmmaker Mark Webber tells the story of a man who returns home from prison and attempts to rebuild his life in his impoverished Philadelphia neighborhood.
Joan and Michael invite their dearest friends over for dinner to discuss the passing of Joan's husband Neil. But as each guest arrives dark secrets are revealed and the main course turns out to be murder.
A woman learns her estranged father has passed away. She returns with her boyfriend to her childhood home of Belize, where she is reunited with her brother, and must face her past while fighting for intimacy in the present.
Support Group Leader
Two sisters struggle with what it means to be a mother. One after the sudden loss of her baby, the other with her own inability to care for her young child. Together they find hope in the face of tragedy.
Original Music Composer
부모 곁을 떠나 자유를 찾으려는 소녀들. 생활비와 학비를 벌고 싶은 소녀들. 유명해지고 팬들을 거느리고 싶은 소녀들... 아마추어 포르노 업계에는 하루에도 수십, 아니 수백 명의 어린 지원자가 쏟아진다. 4백 만 클릭을 이끌어내는 비디오의 주인공이 되어 성취감과 유명세를 느끼지만, 정작 그녀들은 폭력적이고 강제적인 섹스의 소모품으로 착취되고 있을 뿐이다. 황폐해가는 몸과 마음을 돌 볼 시간도 없이, 매일매일 쏟아지는 뉴페이스들에게 떠밀려 포르노 업계의 더욱 깊숙한 나락으로 떨어지고 있는 소녀들. 그들을 삶을 밀착 조명한다.
Arraignment Judge
"The Laramie Project" is set in and around Laramie, Wyoming, in the aftermath of the murder of 21-year-old Matthew Shepard. To create the stage version of "The Laramie Project," the eight-member New York-based Tectonic Theatre Project traveled to Laramie, Wyoming, recording hours of interviews with the town's citizens over a two-year period. The film adaptation dramatizes the troupe's visit, using the actual words from the transcripts to create a portrait of a town forced to confront itself.
Task Force Cop
A gripping thriller telling the true story of the hunt and capture of David Berkowitz, a.k.a. "Son of Sam" — the infamous serial killer who stalked New York in the 70s.