Leo Au-Yeung

출생 : 1977-04-06, Hong Kong, China


Leo Au Yeung Chi Chung is a recognized martial arts master who practices Wing Chun and Hung Gar styles. He is the only appointedWing Chun instructor who coordinated with Sammo Hung in the newly released Ip Man movie. Master Leo Au Yeung has trained in Wing Chun for over a decade under Ip Man’s edler son Ip Chun, as well as Samuel Kwok and Sin Kwok Lam. As a Wing Chun expert, he was invited to Hong Kong in 2008 to choreograph Wilson Yip’s box-office hit Ip Man starring Donnie Yen. There he worked closely with Sammo Hung. Master Au Yeung coached the action crew and actors in Wing Chun and advised on action scene choreography. Recently he also coached and choreographed a sequel film to Ip Man, Herman Yau’s The Legend is Born - Ip Man, starring Sammo Hungand Yuen Biao. Master Au Yeung is also an instructor for the general public and has a martial arts school in London, where he teaches traditional Chinese kung fu. Styles taught are diverse and include:  Wing Chun, Tai Chi (Yang's style), Hung Gar and Chinese kick-boxing.

참여 작품

엽문4: 종극일전
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