Diego Marx Dobles

참여 작품

배신당해서 6년 동안 수감된 (갱단이 통제하는 회사의) 전직 증권중개인 마이크가 복수에 착수한다.
민다나오 섬
사이마는 소아암을 앓는 어린 딸 아이사의 엄마이자 민다나오 섬 내전에 투 입된 의무병 말랑의 아내다. 사이마는 소아암 환자 요양소에서 생활하면서, 삶과 죽음을 오가는 딸과 남편을 응원한다. 용과 싸우는 용감한 전사 형제의 전설이 크레용 애니메이션으로 삽입되면서, 희망의 메시지를 전한다.
6살짜리 딸 엔젤과 함께 사는 조이는 알코올중독인 남편 단테의 가정 폭력으로 심신이 지친 상태이다. 어느 날, 사소한 문제로 시비를 걸기 시작한 단테가 조이에게 무차별적인 폭력을 휘두르다가 엔젤까지 상처를 입는 상황이 오자, 조이는 더 이상 참지 않기로 하고 단테에 맞서 싸운 뒤, 엔젤을 안고 경찰서로 달려간다. 가정 폭력범으로 단테를 기소한 조이는 법정 싸움을 시작하는데, 가정 폭력을 ‘집안일’ 정도로 치부하는 사회적 편견과 값비싼 변호사의 농단이 판결을 좌우하는 비합리적 시스템 안에서 조이의 싸움은 결코 녹록지 않다.
Gino and Marie
Two sex workers, a seventeen-year old boy, Gino, and a young mother, Marie, are hired to do a pornographic film. The day before All Saints’ Day, the two travels to a far-flung travel for the shooting. During the shooting, they are made to do acts which have not been agreed upon. Feeling trapped and isolated, the two will be pushed to their limits, to the edge of their dignity. It is a morality tale set in an act judged by society as immoral. It posits the question: When you take away one’s respect and dignity, however, insignificant it may be to us, what is then left of that person?
Portrait of a marginalised group of people living illegally in a cemetery in the Philippines, through the life of a couple with a sick child.
The story delves into what is supposed to be a victorious day for Boy whose first born — Jemjem, graduated from elementary with honors. Throughout the story, bits and pieces of fighting against oppression of losing his main livelihood as a vendor, of fighting for his winnings in a bet to game fowls, fighting for his honor as a family man, and eventually fighting for his own life against fate will be revealed.
Ma’ Rosa has four children. She owns a small convenience store in a poor section of Manila where everybody knows her. To make ends meet, Rosa and her husband, Nestor, resell small amounts of narcotics on the side. One day, they get arrested. Rosa’s children are ready to do anything to buy their parents’ freedom from the corrupt police.
A fifty-four-year old single mother lives in Manila. Each night she leaves home to carry out an unusual job.
Blessed Art Thou
In an old house replete with images of Catholic icons and symbols, a young lady struggles with the demented religious fanaticism of her mother, who it seems cannot differentiate between pious fervour and demonic possession for both exist simultaneously in her being.
The story of the rebuilding of their lives by the survivors of the disaster caused by Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines, particularly focusing on the struggles of a mother who lost their children.
Balut Country
"Balut Country" follows the journey of Jun, an heir to the duck farm left to him by his late father. He must decide whether to sell the property to secure his future, or spare the land's loyal caretakers of inevitable displacement.