Danièle Incalcaterra

참여 작품

An Italian descendent inherited 5000 hectares of virgin forest in Chaco Paraguaio. He tries to stop deforestation to intensive farming and livestock, while advocating for native Guaraní Nandevas.
An Italian descendent inherited 5000 hectares of virgin forest in Chaco Paraguaio. He tries to stop deforestation to intensive farming and livestock, while advocating for native Guaraní Nandevas.
공장에는 아무것도 없다
이윤을 넘어 오직 인간만이 창출 가능한 가치에 대해 논하는 올해의 주목해야 할 포르투갈 영화. 야음을 틈타 기계들이 반출되자 공장 노동자들은 일자리를 잃을까 봐 노심초사한다. 노사 간에 충돌이 일어나고 공장은 반쯤 비게 된다. 하지만 이와 동시에 새로운 비전도 보이기 시작한다. (2017년 제22회 부산국제영화제)
El Impenetrable
Filmmaker Daniele Incalcaterra was left 12,355 acres of land in the Chaco by his father, but when he decides, through a combination of altruism and frustration, to return his untouched land to the indigenous people, tensions begin to run high. Battling against GM soybean growers, as well as cattle ranchers and oil prospectors, Incalcaterra forms his own motley posse to help preserve this beautifully rugged piece of forest forever.
Fasinpat, fábrica sin patrón
Tierra de Avellaneda
Director of Photography
Tierra de Avellaneda