To solve the mystery of a murder of an old governess which takes place at a wealthy Daidoji family's country estate, family secrets and lies dating back several generations must be sorted out once and for all.
Tai Kato’s early 20th century set yakuza epic about an ordinary merchant girl (Hiroko Maki) who crosses paths with an assassin (Tetsuya Watari). The encounter sends her to jail as a suspected accomplice. Years later she marries a yakuza boss, whose gang is affiliated with working class people.
A beautifully told story of a woman hardened by marriage to a man she doesn't love, after giving herself to another. She dedicates herself to her work, designing and creating plaited cords for kimono.
A young Japanese woman comes to Peru to marry a man she has never seen in this somber drama highlighted by cultural differences. Her husband is a first-generation Japanese and both are bound to the time-honored tradition of arranged marriages. Bringing her child from a previous marriage, she finds her new husband living with Andes Mountain Indians and working for an archaeological expedition. The man and her boy take to each other, and the woman begins to study and understand the lives of the Indians. When her husband is killed mining for Incan treasure, she uses the money sent by the state to stay and help the villagers whom she has come to love.
Traveling to Africa in a cultural exchange program, a young Japanese engineer discovers a world completely unlike the one he knows. His interaction with the Africans he meets reveals to him that he has been living a lie, and that he is not the man he thought he was.
동경의 성공한 사업가인 신고의 아들인 슈이치는 아내인 기쿠코, 부모님과 함께 카마쿠라의 안락한 집에서 살고 있다. 그는 아버지가 중견간부로 있는 회사에서 일하기 때문에 함께 직장에 출근한다. 그러나 슈이치는 자주 시내에 늦게까지 남아서 그의 정부와 함께 술을 마시며 지낸다. 기쿠코는 시부모를 돌보며 남편을 참을성 있게 기다리는데, 남편은 늦은 시간에 술에 취해 돌아오곤 한다. 현명하며 근대적인 사고를 가진 신고는 아들의 무분별함을 알지 못하며 외로운 며느리를 가엾게 여긴다. 거짓말하는데 지친 슈이치의 비서 에이코는 결국 신고에게 슈이치의 불륜을 말해주면서...