William Edouard Franck

출생 : 1966-11-03, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France

참여 작품

Drawing inspiration from Wald, a 2015 novel by the bestselling author Doris Knecht, as well as her own traumatic experience of witnessing the 2020 Vienna attack, writer-director Elisabeth Scharang retreats to the woods in this atmospheric and soul-stirring film.
In southern Carinthia, about ninety percent of all inhabitants spoke Slovenian before 1910. Today it is on average a single digit percentage. In this very personal essay documentary, Andrina Mračnikar formulates a political urgency: What happens when one's mother tongue is taken away in everyday life. What must politicians do to counteract the disappearance of a language whose protection is enshrined in the Austrian constitution.
히든 라이프
Production Sound Mixer
무자비한 학살과 의미를 잃어버린 희생의 연속이었던 2차 세계대전, 한적한 오스트리아의 시골 마을에서 농사를 짓던 ‘프란츠’(오거스트 딜)는 나치군에 징집된다. 하지만 평범한 농부이자 독실한 가톨릭 신자였던 ‘프란츠’는 그의 신념에 반하는 군인 선서를 거부하고 이로 인해 투옥된다. 군의 명령에 불복종한 ‘프란츠’는 투옥과 동시에 갖은 고초와 고문을 겪게 되고 평화로웠던 그의 삶은 위태롭기만 한데…
Delving deep into the soul of one of Austria’s most infamous real-life convicts, Jack is a fascinating, unprejudiced look at the path to redemption and the obstacles that bar the way.
Sound Director
Gabi, a supermarket employee, leads an ordinary life between family and job, between single-family home and local food store. One day when Gabi comes home from work, something happens that changes her life in a single moment. It isn’t visible, it makes no sound, and yet it strikes her like a bolt from the sky – an encounter with God.
The Defender
Sound Recordist
The global war on terror rages on. When a government official goes missing, Lance, a man with an impressive record of service to his country, finds himself protecting the man who embodies everything he has dedicated his life to fight against.