Catherine Fitzgerald

Catherine Fitzgerald

프로필 사진

Catherine Fitzgerald

참여 작품

17살 소년 지미는 작은 마을의 복싱영웅이다. 그는 아버지 스탠의 꿈과 희망을 어깨에 짊어진 채로 살아가고 있지만 동네 소년 휘투와의 관계가 깊어지면서 자신의 성 정체성에 대한 고민이 깊어진다. 그렇게 지미는 운명의 갈림길에 놓이게 된다.
커밍 홈 인 더 다크
고등학교 교사 호기는 아내 질, 양아들 마이카와 조던과 함께 외진 해안으로 소풍을 나간다. 그러나 두 명의 흉악한 떠돌이와 만나면서 이들의 나들이는 악몽으로 바뀌고 만다. 사이코패스처럼 보이는 두 남자의 진짜 의도가 무엇인지 도무지 알 수 없는데, 밤이 깊어 가면서 호기와 질은 이 악몽의 근원이 20년 사건에 있었음을 깨닫게 된다.
어쩌다 조폭
Executive Producer
순수하지만 불운한 화자인 프레디는 말한다. “선을 넘으면 다시 돌아올 수 없을지 모른다.” 발전성이라고는 없는 피자배달 일을 그만둔 후 범죄의 길로 들어선 프레디. 그렇게 시작된 범죄의 삶은 실수로 범벅되고, 그가 넘어버린 선은 빠르게 멀어져 간다. 영화는 서투른 도둑질이나 타란티노풍의 잔혹한 액션 보다는 웃음과 혼돈으로 가득하다.
In the wake of the loss of his beloved wife, a rural community rallies around a farmer to help him deal with his grief.
Executive Producer
Liam is nineteen, fresh out of high school, and enjoying a life of parties and pills. He lives with his grandmother. He keeps her at an arm’s length, and so, when she has a sudden stroke, he ignores her call, and doesn’t find out until he reads a text message sent from Wellington Hospital. He rushes to the hospital, in the middle of the night, drunk and hopped up on cheap stimulants. He is greeted by a closed door, and a nurse who tells him he has to wait to see his grandma. Thus, Liam spends a night and a morning in the hospital, contemplating his decisions, while befriending a young boy who is waiting for news of his mother. A social-realist drama, Boxes is a story about regret, relationships, and the widespread existence of small tragedies.
Event 16
A young inventor, Matt, is on a breakthrough creation in his garage workshop, but is about to lose his girlfriend due to his obsession, when a man walks into the workshop through a wall that his invention created. Soon police, undercover agents and murderers are all hunting for Matt and his girlfriend in a race not only against, but through, time.
The Little Things
Fourteen-year-old George has to find her own way to celebrate her birthday when everyone else forgets it.
Two Cars, One Night
Sometimes first love is found in the most unlikely of places, like in the carpark outside the Te Kaha pub.
Two Cars, One Night
Sometimes first love is found in the most unlikely of places, like in the carpark outside the Te Kaha pub.
For Thom
Executive Producer
Thom is an isolated teenage girl suffering from suicidal thoughts and depression caused by her deteriorating friendship with her best friend Milly. Thom’s only support comes in the form of her caring brother Joe. Through Thom’s journey of trying to heal her mental state does she come face to face with what it means to be a friend and how what appears on the surface is hardly ever the full story.
Voices of the Land: Ngā Reo o te Whenua
Paul Wolffram’s fascinating and eloquent doco about Māori instrumental traditions accompanies Richard Nunns and Horomona Horo as they perform in a series of remarkable South Island wilderness settings.