Amvrosi Buchma
출생 : 1891-03-13, Lviv, Ukraine
사망 : 1957-01-06
Czar's Guard Aleksei Basmanov
러시아를 배반하고 폴란드로 투항한 이반 4세의 절친한 친구 쿠르프스키 공은 폴란드의 시그문트 왕에게 충성을 맹세한다. 시그문트 왕은 러시아에 강력한 통치자가 등장하는 것은 유럽 국가들을 위해 좋지 않은 일이며, 어떻게든 귀족들이 서로 권력을 나누어 갖게 됨으로써 러시아가 분열되는 것이 바람직하다고 생각한다. 한편 모스크바로 돌아온 황제 이반 4세는 그 동안 자기 대신 권력을 행사해 온 귀족들에 대해 노골적으로 적대적인 태도를 취한다. 그리고 자신의 가까운 친구이자 귀족들의 이익을 대변하고 있는 사제 필립과 국가의 통치 방식을 놓고 논쟁을 벌이다가 마침내 교회의 권위를 인정한다. 그러자 황제의 친위대원인 말류타는 황제에게 어느 누구도 믿지 말고 황제가 소유하고 있는 권력에만 의지하여 일을 수행해야 한다는 충고를 한다. 그러고는 황제를 위하여 자신의 손으로 저항하는 귀족들을 무참하게 살해한다. 그러자 이 처형 사건을 계기로 귀족들은 모스크바 대주교 필립을 앞세워 이반을 제거하려는 계획을 세우게 되는데...
Soviet agent Fedotov is air-dropped into Nazi occupied land. He changes over into Mr. Ekhert, a German entrepreneur wishing to take advantage of eastern worker slave labor in occupied Ukraine. Ekhert (Fedotov) enters into a partnership with a German entrepreneur who's son, Willie, is a high ranking Nazi. Together they go to Vinnitsa, Ukraine and start a factory. Fedotov begins seeking contacts with headquarters, but faces problems when a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator manages to infiltrate the Soviet partisans.
Taras Yatsenko
Russian filmmaker Mark Donskoi, of "The Gorky Trilogy" fame, was responsible for the postwar Soviet drama The Taras Family (originally Nepokorenniye, and also released as Unvanquished and Unconquered). A semi-sequel to Donskoi's Raduga (1944), the story is set in Nazi-occupied Kiev. The drama focusses on the travails of a typical Soviet family and on the efforts by the Germans to force the reopening of a local munitions factory. The film is at its most grimly effective in a long sequence wherein the Nazis conduct a search for Jewish escapees, culminating in a horribly graphic re-creation of the slaughter of the Jews at Babi Yar. While Donskoi was critically lambasted for his cinematic "sloppyiness" during this sequence (hand-held camera, rapid cuts etc.), it can now be seen that he was attempting a realistic, documentarylike interpretation of this infamous Nazi atrocity.
Dzyuba, botsman
The Vityaz sailing corvette, whose team has to endure severe trials, goes on a flight. Relations between the sailors and the stupid and soulless baron von Berg replacing the senior officer did not develop. By his behavior, he causes the hatred of the whole crew, which develops into a riot when he gives the order to drown the darling of the whole team - a little puppy. All this, as well as a storm in the Pacific Ocean and other dangerous adventures, rally people even more and make them even stronger and more courageous.
Czar's Guard Aleksei Basmanov
16세기 후반 여러 명의 공후들이 러시아 땅을 나누어 통치하고 있었다. 그 중에서 모스크바의 대공이었던 이반 4세는 자신이 분열된 영토를 이민족의 침입으로부터 보호하고 통일시키겠다는 야심에 찬 계획을 갖고 전 러시아의 황제로 취임한다. 귀족 출신의 아내 아나스타시야를 황후로 맞이한 이반은 취임 직후부터 경쟁 관계에 있는 귀족들의 반발에 부딪친다. 모스크바 시내 곳곳에 방화 사건이 발생하고 민심이 흉흉해진다. 한편 카잔 지방에 본거지를 둔 몽고의 칸은 모스크바가 자신들에게 복종할 것을 요구하고 전쟁을 벌인다. 이반 대제가 이끄는 러시아군은 이 전쟁에서 승리한다. 그러나 전쟁에서 승리한 후 모스크바로 귀환하는 도중 이반은 병에 걸려 중태에 빠지게 된다. 이반의 권력이 약화되기만을 기다리고 있던 귀족들은 이 기회를 이용하여 블라디미르 대공을 황제로 앉히려는 음모를 꾸미는데...
father Maksyut (uncredited)
About the life and heroic death of the old Bolshevik-Lugansk resident, participant in the civil war, Aleksandr Yakovlevich Parkhomenko. In 1918, capturing Ukraine, the German occupiers sought to use the Haidamaks, the White Guards and the Greens in their struggle. By order of Voroshilov, Aleksandr Parkhomenko from Lugansk arrives in Tsaritsyn. At the same time, the Germans launched an active offensive. The "red" battalions are poorly armed, however, Parkhomenko manages to raise them to the attack and put the enemy to flight.
Khoma Gabrys
A story about a life of a small village in Western Ukraine during 30-ies.
Iyosele / Leiyzere
During the Russian civil war, the Whites, that anti-Communist force that fought against the Bolsheviks during that period, capture a Jewish Ukranian village; the gang commander threatens a pogrom, and will kill everyone in the village unless the inhabitants agree to give to the White Officers five virgin girls in wedding dresses. Under such terrible pressure, the Jewish council of the town decides, full of sorrow and despair, to sacrifice their daughters to the drunken officers but fortunately and just in time, a detachment of partisans that belong to the Red Army, comes and frees the village.
Hordiy Yaroshchuk
Set in Odesa at the end of the Civil War when the town is occupied by the Whites. The night coachman, fifty-year-old Hordiy Yaroshchuk, lives with his daughter Katya who gets involved with a Bolshevik and revolutionary.
Laughing-Gassed German Soldier
A soldier returns to Kyiv after surviving a train crash and encounters clashes between nationalists and collectivists.
Taras Shevchenko
The film adaptation of Taras Shevchenko’s biography of 1925 is the first Ukrainian biopic. At that time, it was one of the most expensive films, as for the first time experts in history, ethnography, and literary studies were involved in pre-production. The famous Modernism artist, academician Vasyl Kryvhevskyi designed the film, and professor Serhii Yefremov served as a consultant. Consisting of numerous short stories, the film that shows the life of Shevchenko as an adolescent, a soldier, a poet, was successfully demonstrated in Ukraine and abroad and became the most acknowledged cinema project of 1926. Amvrosii Buchma played Taras Shevchenko.