Alex and Edith, a young couple in their 30s, live their relationship made up of small gestures and everyday life among the ruins of Cuban buildings. Milagros, an elderly woman now retired, tries to survive by selling "manì" (typical Cuban roasted peanut cones) and spends her days listening to the radio and reading old letters. Frank and Alain, two nine-year-old friends, go to school and dream of emigrating together to the United States to become Major League Baseball players. Against the backdrop of San Antonio De Los Baños, a town in inland Cuba where time seems to stand still, these three narratives and their respective worlds unfold. Over this mosaic of contemporaneity, however, brought to life through the characters' memories, hovers the specter of separation, the true great scourge of Cuban society.
Vicenta Bravo is a woman with a special gift for reading cards and fortelling people's future. Every day folk flock to her home looking for solutions to their problems. Vicenta lives happily with her son, until he decides to leave Cuba and everything starts to fall apart. Thrown into a crisis that prevents her from seeing what's happening around her, Vicenta will embark on a journey taking her inland to a country where everyone seems to have lost their faith.
Two pensioners, a video camera and an indecent proposal.
Executive Producer
전편 BiFan2013에서 상영되어 큰 호응을 얻었다. 2년 만에 돌아온 속편 는 나이지리아에서 영국, 그리고 브라질과 그 사이의 모든 장소를 아우르는 야심 찬 작품이다. 각 알파벳에 해당하는 26장으로 구성된 이 영화는 현대 장르영화계를 이끄는 감독들이 한 장씩 연출하여 관객들에게 가장 충격적인 장면을 선사한다. (2015년 제19회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
With the closure of the sugar mill, the little town of Molasses is devastated, lifeless. Aldo and Monica form a young married couple that do not find a way to survive. By supporting each other, they try to save their world without loosing their faith.
Executive Producer
후안과 그의 친구 라자로는 좀비를 퇴치하기 위한 비즈니스를 시작한다.
Between 1960 and 1962 more than 14,000 cuban children were sent alone by their parents to the USA. This clandestine operation -with the participation of the CIA and the Catholic Church- became known as "Operation Peter Pan". Many of the parents had expected to follow their children, who had been granted visa waivers by the US government, but the Missile Crisis terminated the flights between the two countries and the children found themselves stranded in the USA. In 2009, for the first time a group of the Peter Pan children, now adults visited Cuba to give "closure and make peace with the land where they were born".