Directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Nick Reed & Ryan Azevedo, the film tells the story of activist and Claire’s Place Foundation Founder Claire Wineland through interviews and footage, exploring her fight with cystic fibrosis and how she has inspired millions to find purpose and to live proudly.
After being released, a reformed serial killer moves into his family's ancestral estate and is haunted by his past -- both the living and the dead.
The modern biographical story of Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD who discovered an innovative patent-protected cancer therapy currently enrolled in FDA clinical trials. This story sheds light on the current regulatory and industry roadblocks preventing these life-saving medications from reaching the market as of 2016. The current story of Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD who discovered an innovative cancer therapy now enrolled in FDA clinical trials, and the regulatory and industry roadblocks preventing these life-saving medications from reaching the market.
Executive Producer
Two Narcotics Detectives find themselves in an intense investigation lead by a determined Internal Affairs Detective after a child is wrongfully shot dead in a violent drug bust.
Trailer for Ken Loach's new sci fi movie set in Northern England. (Sort of.) A parody by Haiste and Lawrence. First Prize ShortCom 2016 jury select winner.
Trailer for Ken Loach's new sci fi movie set in Northern England. (Sort of.) A parody by Haiste and Lawrence. First Prize ShortCom 2016 jury select winner.
A young criminal defense attorney struggles with a homicide case that is not as cut and dry as it appears while battling a drinking habit. The story goes beyond the lives of those directly related to the case and shines a much needed spotlight on the horrific world of human trafficking in the United States.
Want to be assertive? Then watch this film. I said - WATCH IT!