Hakan Boyav
출생 : 1964-01-10, Odemis, Izmir, Turkey
An ex-thief returns for the revange of his father's murder makes an intelligent plan to reach the killer, a godfather named as Ghost. During his robbery operations, he plays with the police chief who is trying to stop him. In his final robbery, he finds something different than what he expects, something bigger.
Three people from three different worlds... Three Others who become the unwitting cause of each others suffering...Three ordinary lives so tormented that even death seems sweet... Can emotional pain be vanquished through physical pain?
Dönek Hüsam
Ahmet Kolsuz / K.A.S.S. (Kendini Ahmet Sanan Süleyman)
An aggressive police officer tries to solve the mystery behind consecutive murders. While doing so, he must fight against his inner demons.
Adli Muhabir
When a serial killer goes after former convicted pedophiles, it is up to Police Commissioner Abbas and his Chief Celal to stop the killings.
Turkish Commander
1654, Ottoman Empire, Greece. A Turkish Warrior arrives heavily wounded at a remote Christian female monastery and is nursed by Anthi, a young nun under the oath of silence. They fall in love against all odds. But Anthi is tormented by a dark secret. The two lovers escape in the nearby forest, where Anthi's secret is revealed.
Bodyguard Sunay
누구도 통제할 수 없는 음모...
싸움의 룰을 바꿔라! 전세계 190개국을 장악한 다국적 은행
그들의 블랙 머니 게임을 방해하는 자는 모두 제거당한다!
직장동료의 갑작스런 죽음에 혼란스러운 인터폴 형사 루이 샐린저(클라이브 오웬). 그는 돈 세탁, 무기 거래, 테러 등 전 세계적으로 일어나고 있는 범죄가 실은 세계 금융권에서 가장 영향력 있는 IBBC은행과 관련되어 있다는 첩보를 입수하고 맨하탄 지방 검사관 엘레노어 휘트먼(나오미 왓츠)과 함께 수사를 시작한다. 베를린에서 밀라노, 뉴욕, 이스탄불까지 불법적인 자금의 흐름을 추적하던 샐린저와 휘트먼은 IBBC 은행의 실체에 조금씩 다가서게 되고, 그들이 미국정부는 물론, CIA, 러시아 범죄조직의 비호를 받으며 금융테러와 전쟁을 위해 심지어 살인까지도 서슴지 않음을 알게 된다. IBBC 은행의 실체를 파헤치기 위한 샐린저와 휘트먼의 세계를 넘나드는 치열한 추격전은 그들의 목숨까지도 위협하는데…… 누구도 통제할 수 없는 음모… 싸움의 룰을 바꿔라!
Vali Faruk Yazıcı'nın en son görev yeri Denizli merkezli olacak filmin ana eksenine ise yine bir dünya ve Türkiye meselesi olan "enerji" konusu oturuyor. Bilindiği gibi Yeniçağ dünyasında gizli ve açık bir biçimde sergilenen politik oyunlar-komplolar ve uluslararası ilişkilerin çıkar noktasında enerji meselesi bulunuyor. Filmde, özellikle bu konuda Türkiye'nin ve Türk insanının içine çekilmeye çalışıldığı bir komploya tanık olacağız. Kısacası Vali, Türkiye çıkarlarını koruyup ülke insanlarının menfaati için elini taşın altına koyanlarla, taşları yukarıdan üstümüze yağdıran çıkar grupları arasındaki çekişmenin hikayesini anlatıyor…
A group of drug-influenced lumpen teenagers from the suburbs of the city descends into the center where they do not belong, where they are excluded. They adopted a brutal method to seize rights that were not granted to them. Unaware of what will happen to them, cheerful and well-to-do university students are helpless in the face of this gun-wielding mob that suddenly raids the bar where they are having fun.
With the death of a billionaire engaged in illegal practices, his billion-dollar fortune is up for the grabs. As his art collection is being prepared to be sold at an auction, two Turkish thieves from Germany are hired to steal valuable paintings from the art collection. Meanwhile, Seckin the fashioner designer - also the brother of Binnur, wife of the late billionaire - prepares for a fashion show in the same hotel that the robbery is going to take place. With the intervention of police, the beautiful model and her ex-lover, a hip papparazi, the two "Laz" mafia bosses seeking revenge, and the getaway driver straight out of Selcuk Erdem caricatures, the robbery is bound to go wrong. Prepare for a twist at the end as the plot unfolds towards a climactic ending...