DJ Spooky's Rebirth of a Nation is a film project based on a remix of D.W. Griffith's infamous 1915 film Birth of a Nation. The original film was based on a novel and theater play by Thomas Dixon entitled The Clansman - essentially what Dj Spooky is doing is applying dj technique to cinema in a way that parallels, deconstructs and remixes the original. Thus Rebirth of a Nation DJ Spooky's Rebirth of a Nation has been touring for several years and has drawn acclaim around the world. From the Herod Atticus Theater at the base of the Acropolis in Greece, to the London IMAX - Europe's largest movie screen - Dj Spooky has presented the remix as an engagement with film, music, and contemporary art. He likes to think of it as "film as found object" in the same sense that artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Jeff Koons, Andy Warhol, and David Hammons, amongst many others, have fostered creative investigations into the idea of found objects, cinema, and "appropriation art."
DJ Spooky's Rebirth of a Nation is a film project based on a remix of D.W. Griffith's infamous 1915 film Birth of a Nation. The original film was based on a novel and theater play by Thomas Dixon entitled The Clansman - essentially what Dj Spooky is doing is applying dj technique to cinema in a way that parallels, deconstructs and remixes the original. Thus Rebirth of a Nation DJ Spooky's Rebirth of a Nation has been touring for several years and has drawn acclaim around the world. From the Herod Atticus Theater at the base of the Acropolis in Greece, to the London IMAX - Europe's largest movie screen - Dj Spooky has presented the remix as an engagement with film, music, and contemporary art. He likes to think of it as "film as found object" in the same sense that artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Jeff Koons, Andy Warhol, and David Hammons, amongst many others, have fostered creative investigations into the idea of found objects, cinema, and "appropriation art."
DJ Spooky's Rebirth of a Nation is a film project based on a remix of D.W. Griffith's infamous 1915 film Birth of a Nation. The original film was based on a novel and theater play by Thomas Dixon entitled The Clansman - essentially what Dj Spooky is doing is applying dj technique to cinema in a way that parallels, deconstructs and remixes the original. Thus Rebirth of a Nation DJ Spooky's Rebirth of a Nation has been touring for several years and has drawn acclaim around the world. From the Herod Atticus Theater at the base of the Acropolis in Greece, to the London IMAX - Europe's largest movie screen - Dj Spooky has presented the remix as an engagement with film, music, and contemporary art. He likes to think of it as "film as found object" in the same sense that artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Jeff Koons, Andy Warhol, and David Hammons, amongst many others, have fostered creative investigations into the idea of found objects, cinema, and "appropriation art."
Father Camefron
추리소설 작가인 마리(Marie: 로미 윈저 분)는 어느 날부터 갑자기 기묘한 환각에 시달리기 시작한다. 괴상하게 생긴 승복을 입은 사람의 그림자, 그리고 화염 속에서 고민에 사로 잡힌 악마의 얼굴들. 마리가 환각에 시달리며 괴로워하자 그녀의 남편은 마리에게 한가한 시골로 요양을 떠나지내보라고 권유한다. 남편의 권유로 요양을 떠난 마리. 하지만 마리가 요양을 오게 된 마을은 무시무시한 전설을 안고 있는 곳이다. 달이 없는 밤이면 살생의 화신들이 되살아나기 시작하는데...