Patrícia Niedermeier

참여 작품

Espumas ao Vento
Não sei quantas almas tenho
A vampire movie.
Não sei quantas almas tenho
A vampire movie.
Sopros na Pele
Sensations on the skin during a pandemic.
Sopros na Pele
Sensations on the skin during a pandemic.
Sopros na Pele
Sensations on the skin during a pandemic.
Manifesto de um Cineasta
The striking and sinuous shadow that intertwines with the conceptual imaginary moment reproduced on screen, runs over without mercy to everyone who is attached to old concepts and prejudices conceived in the residual decadent imagination of society in a globalized world.
Manifesto de um Cineasta
The striking and sinuous shadow that intertwines with the conceptual imaginary moment reproduced on screen, runs over without mercy to everyone who is attached to old concepts and prejudices conceived in the residual decadent imagination of society in a globalized world.
Fado Tropical
Two brothers are reunited in Lisbon to throw their father's ashes in three places in Portugal. This journey opens up affective issues between the brothers, where the past and the present refer to each other.
Fado Tropical
Two brothers are reunited in Lisbon to throw their father's ashes in three places in Portugal. This journey opens up affective issues between the brothers, where the past and the present refer to each other.
Maria Guaranis
Greg (Jorge Caetano) is a screenwriter hired to write a script about Maria Guaranis, a radical-style artist who has gone missing. As the author produces the script, he ends up identifying with Maria and getting lost in the creation process.
Greg (Jorge Caetano) is a screenwriter hired to write a script about Maria Guaranis, a radical-style artist who has gone missing. As the author produces the script, he ends up identifying with Maria and getting lost in the creation process.
Os Príncipes
Two men roam the night of Rio de Janeiro with two prostitutes in search of pleasure and violence.
Salto no Vazio
The memories of the trip made by the couple of artists Cavi Borges and Patrícia Niedermeier are transformed into an essay film. The scenery consists of landscapes located in Brazil, the United States, Germany, Syria, France and Hungary, where a series of choreographies and other performances created by the two are recorded.
Salto no Vazio
The memories of the trip made by the couple of artists Cavi Borges and Patrícia Niedermeier are transformed into an essay film. The scenery consists of landscapes located in Brazil, the United States, Germany, Syria, France and Hungary, where a series of choreographies and other performances created by the two are recorded.
Salto no Vazio
The memories of the trip made by the couple of artists Cavi Borges and Patrícia Niedermeier are transformed into an essay film. The scenery consists of landscapes located in Brazil, the United States, Germany, Syria, France and Hungary, where a series of choreographies and other performances created by the two are recorded.
Guerra do Paraguay
A soldier coming home after the Paraguay War meets a theater group. A shock between war and art.
Um Filme Francês
Cléo is making her first film, inspired by french cinema and the nouvelle vague.
Dois Casamentos
Two brides wait in a church room while their marriages don't begin. But they are not anxious, as expected: they do act like ghosts in existential horror. As they wait to be called to the start of their respective ceremonies, they reflect on their relationships and lives.
엄마는 나의 분신
Dançarina 5
브라질 전역에 걸쳐 1백만명이 넘는 관객을 끌어들인 파울로 구스타보의 동명 연극을 영화한 작품으로, 2013년 자국 박스오피스에서 경이적인 흥행 성적과 더불어 비평가들의 호평을 받은 코미디 영화이다. 정년퇴직한 중년 여성인 에르미니아 부인의 가장 큰 걱정은 홀로 아이들을 돌보는 것이다. 하지만 이제는 훌쩍 자란 아이들이 자꾸만 부인과 대립하게 된다. 부인은 아이들과 말다툼 이후, 아이들과 잠시 떨어져 있기로 하고, 집을 나오기로 한다. 직장도 없고, 동반자도 없는 에르미니아 부인은 늙은 이모의 집으로 가 마음의 짐을 덜기로 한다. 이모의 집으로 온 에르미니아 부인의 마음은 점점 더 무거워진다. 아직도 그녀의 돌봄이 필요한 아이들을 떠나온 죄책감과 아이들에 대한 그리움이 밀려오는데...
Bruta Aventura em Versos
Documentary about the brazilian poetess Ana Cristina Cesar, icon of the Mimeógrafo Generation and "Poesia Marginal", books like A Teus Pés, her aspirations, her life e her creative proccess. Artists, friends and researches remembers the poetess.