Tanta Ginting

Tanta Ginting

출생 : 1981-10-16,

프로필 사진

Tanta Ginting

참여 작품

Star Syndrome
Former singer wants to come back but the music industry has changed.
Hati Suhita
Alina Suhita who is firm, mature & never gives up. Fortitude guides her to face the household storms that occurred even from the first night. Her inner and outer struggle was tested to embrace the love of Gus Birru, her husband.
The Ballads of Roy
Roni Gultom
After the death of his father, Roy moved to Serang with his mother. He is different from most boys and that makes him liked by lots of girls in his school.
Kau, Rabu, dan Perkara2 Sepintas Lalu
Rhun, a well-known novelist, must finish his latest novel soon. Ajeng was chosen by a publisher to read the script before the novel was declared finished. Rhun is captivated by her. But in the end, the woman stopped coming.
Bukan Cinderella
A teenage girl who is not Cinderella is met with a man who brings her shoe next to it so that they can love each other, change friendship from enmity, unite families and get the most valuable value to respect her life and others.
Ghost Writer 2
The success of her second novel made Naya famous. Unfortunately she is more labeled as a psychic than a writer. This makes Naya resentful and reluctant to deal with the haunted world again. However, everything changed when her future husband Vino suddenly died.
Ambar & Dika have just begun with a new chapter of life when years-old grudge of a malicious entity unfolds before their eyes. With a gift she unwillingly has, Ambar is now forced to finish the vengeance of the entity, a headless Dutch spirit, Ivanna.
Madu Murni
Mustaqim, a former Koran teacher, works as a debt collector in the hope of earning more. However, Murni, his wife, did not want to accept the gift of money from her husband because she did not agree with men related to the afterlife. At the suggestion of his colleague Rojak, Mustaqim remarried to Yati.
Ranah 3 Warna
Based on a best-selling novel by A. Fuadi.
Gara-Gara Warisan
Three brothers who never get along are forced to compete for the inheritance in the form of a guest house owned by Dahlan, their father. Adam, the eldest son who blames his father's harsh attitude for his life's failures. Laras, the middle child who is independent and idealistic. And Dicky, his father's favorite youngest child who was pampered since childhood and grew up as a naughty young man. Who will be the heirs of choice?
Rama's Lawyer
대학 신입생 수르는 연극동아리에서 웹디자인을 맡고 있다. 준비한 초연이 성공적으로 마무리되고 파티에 초대된다. 신나는 음악과 즐거운 분위기에 취하지만 어느새 정신을 차려보니 중요한 장학금 심사면접에 늦을 정도로 늦잠을 자버린다. 그녀는 단지 술에 취해 기억을 잃은 것일까, 아니면 누군가가 의도한 함정에 빠진 것일까?
Muslim teacher Rintik is desperate to go to Sumba to teach. He falls in love with Sumba and a young man, Arsa, even though many of them have different beliefs from Rintik himself. Can they unite in differences?
The Heaven None Missed 3
Meirose strives to create heaven in her family, with her husband and their two children. One day, Ray, a man from her past, returns and wants to build his lost paradise with Meirose and Akbar.
Awal & Akhir
4 friends from different jobs stick together to joining band called 'Arah' that always have been their dream for many year
Story of Kale: When Someone's in Love
After leaving a toxic relationship, Dinda embarks on a romance with Kale, whose view on love soon shatters as he wrestles with his own insecurities.
Wave of Cinema: Generasi 90an
Walk down memory lane and experience the soundtrack to beloved film "Generasi 90an: Melankolia" through nostalgic performances.
Wave of Cinema: Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini
Delve into a musical concert and relive moments from "One Day We'll Talk About Today," a film about family and intergenerational trauma.
원 데이 위 윌 토크 어바웃 투데이
ARAH (Special Performance)
Harboring a deep secret, a seemingly happy family confronts the trauma of years past as a clash between generations threatens to separate them.
Darah Daging
Adapted from a true story of robbery by 3 brothers to save the mother's life.
흑마술: 보육원의 비밀
행복한 가정을 꾸린 하니프는 아내 나디야와 세자녀를 차에 태우고 외딴 곳으로 떠난다. 도착한 곳은 자신이 자라난 보육원. 병든 보육원 관리인 반디씨의 문안을 위해 어릴적 친구 안톤과 제프리 가족도 보육원으로 모인다. 보육원을 지키고 있는 젊은 부부의 환대를 받으며 그들은 하룻밤 머물기로 한다. 방문객들은 한명 한명 치명적인 흑마술에 걸려 희생되어 가고 어느덧 평화롭던 보육원은 벗어날 수 없는 핏빛 공포의 공간이 된다. 하니프는 아이들을 살리기 위해 잊고 있었던 보육원의 어두운 비밀을 마주해야 한다.
Horas Amang: Tiga Bulan untuk Selamanya
The story of a family that is not harmonious: Amang or father (Cok Simbara) and his three unfilial children. Out of love for her children, Amang uses an unusual way to change their lives forever.
군달라: 슈퍼히어로의 탄생
Ito Marbun
고용주의 음모로 아버지가 죽고, 어머니마저 떠나버려 한순간에 고아가 된 ‘산차카’. 거리의 거친 환경 속에서 오직 생존만을 위해 살아가던 ‘산차카’는 우연히 번개를 다룰 수 있는 초능력을 얻게 된다. 강력한 힘을 가진 후 선택의 기로에 서게 된 ‘산차카’! 과연 그는 최악의 상황으로 치닫는 도시 속, 억압받는 이들을 위한 영웅으로 거듭날 수 있을까..?
Hit & Run
Rampok Culun
Celebrity cop Tegar Saputra is assigned to catch Coki, a drug lord recently released from prison. Tegar, who usually works alone, has to team up with con artist Lio, dangdut singer Meisa and cocky teenager Jefri, making his mission particularly challenging.
Polis Evo 2
Riky Kumolo
A group of terrorists have taken over a village and are holding the villagers hostage. Special Forces from Malaysia and Indonesia are tasked with handling the incident but their mission fails. Now it is up to Inspector Sani and Inspector Khai to save the hostages and at the same time, take down the terrorist group.
Three Ladies 2
After a business catastrophe, three friends must live together and serve as homemakers while their wives go back to work to rebuild their finances.
Insya Allah Sah 2
When Raka gets caught in a wild police chase, he agrees to help a fugitive escape—on the condition that the culprit repents for his mistakes.
The Perfect Husband
Ayla is enjoying her teenage years and her love affair with Ando, the rock band vocalist. She is surprised when a young pilot named Arsen, claims to be her husband.
Insya Allah Sah
Polisi Sabar Ikhlas
After being stuck in an elevator together, a devout man constantly pesters a businesswoman who promised to live by faith if they made it out alive.
Bid'ah Cinta
Relationship between Khalida (Ayushita) and Kamal (Dimas Aditya) not getting approval from both families which hate each other because of their differences. Their families have their own understanding about Islam. The dispute between H. Rohili, Khalida's father and H. Jamat, Kamal's father having effects on their relationship. Would love erase all the hate between them?
The Sea Speaks His Name
Based on a book by Leila S. Chudori of the same title, it tells the life story about an imprisoned activist who must face the consequences of his decisions.
The Heaven None Missed 2
Pras felt something is wrong with his first wife, Arini. Arini asked Pras to fight for his second wife Meirose to return Indonesia and live together.
ILY from 38.000 Ft
With obligations to her family looming, a woman falls for a travel show producer while on vacation and anxiously waits for him to fulfill a promise.
Wa'alaikumussalam Paris
Itje, a girl from Bojong, is hoping that her life will change drastically after marrying a French man, Clement or Emen as Itje calls him. Likewise Itje’s parents who always show off to thier neighbor if Itje is married to the wealthy and would stay in Paris. But, what is expected far from reality. Itje is taken to a remote village in the southern city of Bordeaux, in wineries, and live in home that is far from everywhere. Itje disappoints and complains to her husband. Another misfortune: there is no internet and telephone, Itje who can not get out of gadgets and social media, is tormented. Every day she is fuming mad and asks Emen to take him to Paris for shopping and selfies in tourist spots.
Jamal , motorcycle taxi drivers who like to play chess, had a dream to open a the motor wash near his base. Rodiah, Jamal’s mother, threatens him if not promptly changes his life, the family land quota for him will be his cousin. In love affairs Jamal is challenged by Mirna’s parents because his unstable work. Jamal is asked by Ivan, whom he knew inadvertently, to take Dito, a courier heroin, to Tanah Tinggi Boss. He gives Jamal is an advance of 10 million and 90 million reward if he can complete the task. Having never seen that much money, Jamal directly takes it. Ivan knows that Dito is targeted by Mami Tuti, a bookies who revenge on Dito because he made her sister a broken heart and became a junkie. After giving this task to Jamal, Ivan flees to Hong Kong with his wife.
Three Ladies
Three self-centered playboys are forced to find their sensitive sides when an insulted bartender's magic curse alters their personalities.
3: Alif Lam Mim
Jakarta 2036. Alif, Lam and Mim are three friends from martial art school Al-Ikhlas. Alif chooses to become state apparatus. He is determined to eradicate all forms of crime and searching for the killers of his parents. Lam, becomes a journalist. While Mim chooses to serve as a teacher in their school. All three are reunited after the explosion of a bomb in a cafe.
Lily Bunga Terakhirku
As a child, Tura, witnessed thieves to rape and kill his mother. After he buried her mother in the back garden of his home, he takes care of himself until adulthood and became a florist like his mother was. Feeling guilty for not being able to help his mother when he was a kid, Tura become a hunter rapists. When Tura falls in love with Lily, a high class prostitute, will he be able to retain he seek of revenge against Lily's powerful clients? —PL
Following Diana
When Diana’s husband returns home one night with big news—he has taken on a second wife, and expects Diana to live in harmony with the situation—she does what is least expected and plans to make a life on her terms.
The Heaven None Missed
Pras and Arini's love was destroyed in Arini's eyes when he chose to marry Meirose secretly. Their ideal marriage collapsed instantly.
Guru Bangsa Tjokroaminoto
In 1912, Javanese activist Omar Said Tjokroaminoto co-founds the Sarekat Islam party to fight injustices of the Dutch East Indies' colonial regime.
Negeri Tanpa Telinga
Mister Marmood
Naga, masseur, asks doctor Sangkakala to damage his eardrums so that he no longer hears painful voices. Meanwhile there is a big conspiracy conducted by Partai Amal Syurga (Heaven Charity Party). The party chairman, Ustad Etawa, in cooperation with the importer of sheep meat, tries to manipulate the state money to benefit his party. And Partai Martobat (Repentance Party) is the bearer of political legitimacy in the country. Piton’s great ambition is to be president. For that he is trying to get as much money by using his influence in parliament, assisted by Joki Ringkik, party colleague, who desperately convincing Python to advance to the next presidential election. Pythons also uses Tikis Queenta, lobbyist, who can get into all lines of parliament and party people.
This biographical drama about Indonesia's first president recounts his nationalist crusade to seize independence from Dutch colonial rule.
Panji Tengkorak
Adapted from comic with same title.
Gundala Putra Petir
Ito Marbun
The Sequel of Gundala (2019)