Tom Webb

참여 작품

사랑의 카운셀러
작은 마을의 댄스교사 셜리 케년은 손님의 고충을 상담해 주는데 너무 많은 시간을 보내기 때문에 해고당한다. 시카고에 온 셜리는 기를 쓰고 한 라디오 방송국의 전화 교환원으로 일자리를 얻는다. 임기응변으로 정신과 전문의 역할을 자연스럽게 하게 된다. 이를 계기로 셜리는 갑자기 유명인사가 되기 시작하는데, 단 한사람 신문기자 잭 러셀의 의심을 피할 순 없었다. 그러나 잭은 조사를 하면 할수록 자신이 셜리의 매력에 빠져 있다는 사실을 알게 되고 급기야.
Lethal Ninja
Jim Weber
The city has been taken over by a vicious, Mob-connected teenage gang and their deadly leader, a mysterious Martial Arts master known only as Sonny. In desperation the Mayor and Police Commissioner hire karate expert and mercenary vengeance fighter, J.D. McKay, to save their ravaged city. McKay eliminates the ruthless thugs with pin-point precision until there is only one left... Sonny... McKay's boyhood friend turned killer. They were boyhood friends. Now they are enemies. One is destroying the city... The other has been hired to stop him.
The Kid Who Loved Christmas
In this sentimental holiday tale, a young boy is taken away from his loving, adoptive household when his new mom is killed in an auto accident and his traveling musician dad is deemed unfit to care for him, being on the road too much. Now, the only thing that can help is if a cold, bureaucratic adoption agency caseworker sees the error of her ways and allows them to be together.
The Kill Reflex
Phil Gillespe
Williamson plays a cop called 'Soda Cracker', whose partner was killed in a mysterious assassination. He is convinced that the murder was committed by his old enemy, Ivan Moss, played by Bo Svenson. Despite threats from the mob and from the police department, he vows to continue his mission to find the persons responsible for the assassination. Maud Adams plays his new police woman partner, who falls in love with him during their investigations. 'Soda Cracker' also has to deal with the fact that many of the police officers on the squad may be corrupt, and tries to break down the criminal network whilst finding evidence against Ivan Moss.