Explore hidden desires on a sleepover, fall in love with the handyman and be seduced by a stranger on the beach as you discover why Love Is the Drug. Boys On Film 17 includes nine complete films: Nicholas Colia's "Alex And The Handyman" starring Keaton Nigel Cooke, Aaron Profumo, and Hogan Gorman; Dawid Ullgren's "Mr. Sugar Daddy" starring Bengt C.W. Carlsson and Aleksandar Gajic; Brendon McDonall's "Spoilers" starring James Peake and Tom Mumford; André D. Chambers's "Tellin' Dad" starring Carl Loughlin, Ricky Tomlinson, and Michael Byron; Eyal Resh's "Boys" starring Wyatt Griswold and Pearce Joza; Martin Edralin's "Hole" starring Ken Harrower and Sebastian Deery; Lorelei Pepi's animated "Happy & Gay"; André Santos and Marco Leão's "Pedro" starring Filipe Abreu and Rita Durão; and Anthony Schatteman's "Kiss Me Softly" starring Ezra Fieremans, Marijke Pinoy, and Marc Van Eeghem.
Explore hidden desires on a sleepover, fall in love with the handyman and be seduced by a stranger on the beach as you discover why Love Is the Drug. Boys On Film 17 includes nine complete films: Nicholas Colia's "Alex And The Handyman" starring Keaton Nigel Cooke, Aaron Profumo, and Hogan Gorman; Dawid Ullgren's "Mr. Sugar Daddy" starring Bengt C.W. Carlsson and Aleksandar Gajic; Brendon McDonall's "Spoilers" starring James Peake and Tom Mumford; André D. Chambers's "Tellin' Dad" starring Carl Loughlin, Ricky Tomlinson, and Michael Byron; Eyal Resh's "Boys" starring Wyatt Griswold and Pearce Joza; Martin Edralin's "Hole" starring Ken Harrower and Sebastian Deery; Lorelei Pepi's animated "Happy & Gay"; André Santos and Marco Leão's "Pedro" starring Filipe Abreu and Rita Durão; and Anthony Schatteman's "Kiss Me Softly" starring Ezra Fieremans, Marijke Pinoy, and Marc Van Eeghem.
Various (voice) (segment "Happy & Gay")
Explore hidden desires on a sleepover, fall in love with the handyman and be seduced by a stranger on the beach as you discover why Love Is the Drug. Boys On Film 17 includes nine complete films: Nicholas Colia's "Alex And The Handyman" starring Keaton Nigel Cooke, Aaron Profumo, and Hogan Gorman; Dawid Ullgren's "Mr. Sugar Daddy" starring Bengt C.W. Carlsson and Aleksandar Gajic; Brendon McDonall's "Spoilers" starring James Peake and Tom Mumford; André D. Chambers's "Tellin' Dad" starring Carl Loughlin, Ricky Tomlinson, and Michael Byron; Eyal Resh's "Boys" starring Wyatt Griswold and Pearce Joza; Martin Edralin's "Hole" starring Ken Harrower and Sebastian Deery; Lorelei Pepi's animated "Happy & Gay"; André Santos and Marco Leão's "Pedro" starring Filipe Abreu and Rita Durão; and Anthony Schatteman's "Kiss Me Softly" starring Ezra Fieremans, Marijke Pinoy, and Marc Van Eeghem.
Explore hidden desires on a sleepover, fall in love with the handyman and be seduced by a stranger on the beach as you discover why Love Is the Drug. Boys On Film 17 includes nine complete films: Nicholas Colia's "Alex And The Handyman" starring Keaton Nigel Cooke, Aaron Profumo, and Hogan Gorman; Dawid Ullgren's "Mr. Sugar Daddy" starring Bengt C.W. Carlsson and Aleksandar Gajic; Brendon McDonall's "Spoilers" starring James Peake and Tom Mumford; André D. Chambers's "Tellin' Dad" starring Carl Loughlin, Ricky Tomlinson, and Michael Byron; Eyal Resh's "Boys" starring Wyatt Griswold and Pearce Joza; Martin Edralin's "Hole" starring Ken Harrower and Sebastian Deery; Lorelei Pepi's animated "Happy & Gay"; André Santos and Marco Leão's "Pedro" starring Filipe Abreu and Rita Durão; and Anthony Schatteman's "Kiss Me Softly" starring Ezra Fieremans, Marijke Pinoy, and Marc Van Eeghem.
An electric collection of the latest, award-winning lesbian and feminist short films exploring fantasies, dreams, desires, love and transgression. Featuring chance encounters, teenage lust, girl fighters, self-conscious dolls and rampant zombies alongside journeys of self-discovery, the fight for equality and a playful take on stereotypes. GIRLS ON FILM 2: BEFORE DAWN takes you on an incredible adventure from America to Australia through Iceland, the UK and Algeria into worlds beyond.
Happy & Gay is a revisionist history document reflecting the form of a 1930's-styled cartoon musical misadventure. Two couples (friends) go out for a fun night on the town!
Happy & Gay is a revisionist history document reflecting the form of a 1930's-styled cartoon musical misadventure. Two couples (friends) go out for a fun night on the town!
Sound Designer
Happy & Gay is a revisionist history document reflecting the form of a 1930's-styled cartoon musical misadventure. Two couples (friends) go out for a fun night on the town!
Production Design
Happy & Gay is a revisionist history document reflecting the form of a 1930's-styled cartoon musical misadventure. Two couples (friends) go out for a fun night on the town!
Happy & Gay is a revisionist history document reflecting the form of a 1930's-styled cartoon musical misadventure. Two couples (friends) go out for a fun night on the town!
Holy Roller/Altar Boys/Farmer Kids (voice)
Happy & Gay is a revisionist history document reflecting the form of a 1930's-styled cartoon musical misadventure. Two couples (friends) go out for a fun night on the town!
Happy & Gay is a revisionist history document reflecting the form of a 1930's-styled cartoon musical misadventure. Two couples (friends) go out for a fun night on the town!
Happy & Gay is a revisionist history document reflecting the form of a 1930's-styled cartoon musical misadventure. Two couples (friends) go out for a fun night on the town!
조용한 마을 사우스 파크에서 '테렌스와 필립'이라는 캐나다 영화가 개봉된다. 신문에 난 광고를 보고 극장을 찾는 아이들은 그러나 영화가 'R' 등급으로 볼 수 없게 되자 거지를 꾀어 보호자로 동반하고 들어가 영화를 본다. 영화는 처음부터 끝까지 테렌스와 필립이 저질스런 언사를 반복하고, 음란하고 저속한 욕설로 가득 차 있다. 이런 것들을 고스란히 배운 아이들은 학교에서 대화 속에 베어있는 욕들을 자연스럽게 쓰게되고, 이에 놀란 교사들은 아이들의 엄마들을 학교로 부른다. 결국 사우스파크의 모든 초등학생들에게 '테렌스와 필립'을 보지 말라는 명령이 떨어지지만 호기심 넘치는 아이들은 모두 극장에서 영화를 보고, 학교는 온갖 욕설이 난무하는 전쟁터로 변한다. 그러던 중 케니는 영화에서 테렌스와 필립이 방귀에 불을 붙이는 장면을 흉내내다 불에 타 죽게 되고, 엄마들은 이 모든 사태가 저질스런 인간 쓰레기 캐나다인들이 만든 영화 때문이라며 '반 캐나다 단체'를 결성한다.
"My MFA thesis work Grace, was in part conceptually inspired by the French philosopher Henri Bergson’s theories of Time as fractionate and infinitesimal. The structural concerns of Grace were pursuing questions of fractured, invisible time and representations of form and motion. The deeper and more personal subject pursued issues of flesh, mortality, and sexuality. Visual inspirations included artists such as photographers Julia Margaret Cameron, Joel Peter Witkin, and artist Joseph Beuys. I worked with an actress, optical printing, projection, under-the-camera, and stop-motion animation."-Lorelei Pepi