Caspar Fischer Ortman

Caspar Fischer Ortman

프로필 사진

Caspar Fischer Ortman

참여 작품

The Peppercorns and the Secret of the Deep Sea
As soon as Jaswinder, the mother of Alice's friend Tarun, discovered a way to avoid plastic, it is attacked and the documents about it, which are also top secret, stolen. Shortly thereafter, it also disappears without a trace. Alice, as the remaining peppercorn, searches for clues and comes across toxic waste companies who want to prevent the documents from being published at all costs. Will you take Alice to Jaswinder ...?
로카, 세상을 바꾸다
이 영화는 선생님들과 권위에 굴하지 않고 혼자 살아가는 총명하고 창의력이 뛰어난 11살 로카의 이야기를 들려준다. 로카는 자신의 독립성을 유지하기 위해 싸워야 하고 어린이도 세상을 바꿀 힘이 있다는 것을 모두에게 증명해야만 한다. (2020년 제8회 서울구로국제어린이영화제)
Krüger aus Almanya
Berlin widower Paul Krüger, a retired ex-GDR stone mason (66), hates foreigner immigrants, especially Muslims. When his beloved, doting granddaughter Annie plans to marry Deniz, an ambitious student and waiter in Ankara who needs a visa for Germany, backward Paul and his buddy, publican Karin, go on Turkish 'holiday' so he can talk her out of it. But Deniz proves her only choice and probably a right one, even if countrymen and family win Paul's heart, as well as a resourceful preteen-thief, who proves an orphaned Syrian refugee. Paul even promises to plead with his counterpart, Deniz's family patriarch, who opposes him marrying a Christian infidel at pain of expulsion from the close clan.