Jean-David Stepler

Jean-David Stepler

프로필 사진

Jean-David Stepler

참여 작품

On s'est fait doubler !
L'exorciste en blanc
The Dreamlife of David L
Le Directeur
“The Dreamlife of David L.“ is a fictional feature film that takes inspiration from a key point in the life of director David Lynch: the time he spent as a student in a fine arts college. Initially attracted to painting, David Lynch ends up choosing the medium of film to express his talent. Far from being an attempt at biography, this film is an imaginary vision where the action could take place today. Which encounters or events leave their mark on the young David L. during this year as a student? “The Dreamlife of David L.” is a dreamlike journey that leads the viewer through the meanderings of this art school. There’s no need to be familiar with the cinematographic works of Lynch to follow the young David L. step by step, going behind the scenes with him.
시크릿 디펜스
비밀요원과 테러리스트의 삶이 목적만 다를 뿐 똑 닮았다는 것에서 착안된 영화. 프랑스 정보기관에서 일하게 된 아름다운 다이앤을 사이에 두고 비밀요원 알렉스와 이슬람 테러조직의 일원인 알 바라드는 정체를 드러내지 않은 채 고도의 두뇌싸움을 벌인다.