Felix Hüsken

참여 작품

러빙 하이스미스
Color Grading
유명한 스릴러 작가 퍼트리샤 하이스미스의 사적인 기록들과 가족, 연인들의 증언을 바탕으로 만든 다큐멘터리. 사랑을 테마로 '정체성'이라는 것에 지대한 영향력을 미친 하이스미스의 생애와 작품 세계를 새로운 관점으로 바라본다.
Dear Brother
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Markus Becker is hit by a car, dragged along, his head bashed on a curb and he falls into a coma. The doctors don’t believe that the 45-year-old will survive the next five to ten days. His father makes preparations for the funeral. Markus’ brother Michael refuses to accept this fate and begins an extraordinary battle. In his brother’s apartment he seals Markus’ clothes to preserve the smell. He records the neighbors’ voices. Every day, Michael exposes his brother to things that are familiar and films everything that is part of Markus’ life with a DV camera. He wants to keep him in his world and to bring this world to his bedside. He documents every step of Markus’ development, risking his own life in the process, wishing that his brother will one day regain the ability to lead a normal life. This full-length documentary accompanies Michael Becker for 10 years on his unwavering and creative mission to bring his brother Markus back to life.
에바를 찾아서
Color Grading
젊은 에바가 자아를 발견해 나가는 과정에서 스스로를 공공의 볼거리로 만들어버리는 인터넷 시대의 단면을 포착한다. 그 속에서 에바는 ‘여자는 곧 어떠해야 한다’는 사회적 인식에 도전한다. 에바의 파편화된 성격들은 단일하게 고정된 정체성이라는 개념이 이제는 옛말이 되어버리고 새 시대가 등장했음을 드러낸다.
이것은 영화가 아니다
저명한 저널리스트인 로버트 피스크는 40년 동안 세계에서 가장 폭력적이고 첨예한 문제들에 대해 보도해왔다. 창 영 감독은 피스크가 전쟁으로 황폐해진 땅을 돌아다니며 사람들에게 진실을 알리고자 고군분투하는 모습을 거침없는 액션으로 포착한다.
Mülheim Texas – Helge Schneider hier und dort
Color Timer
Helge Schneider's extraordinary talent is his ability to improvise which shows his unfailing creativity. "I paint the everyday-life in the brightest colors myself", he says about himself. Reality and fiction are tough to tell apart in his life. How does a man like him, who doesn't want his audience to know too much about himself, react on a documentary portraying him as a person?