Barry Jossen

Barry Jossen


Barry Jossen is President and Head of A+E Studios. In his role, Jossen oversees all creative and business operations of A+E Studios, the in-house scripted production arm of the acclaimed global media company A+E Networks, including creative affairs, production, business operations, and strategy on all programming developed.

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Barry Jossen

참여 작품

머나먼 여정 2
휴가 도중 주인들을 잃어버린 찬스, 셰도우, 새시는 샌프란시스코의 험난한 길과 금문교를 건너 집을 찾아 떠나는데…
마이애미 랩소디
Gwyn Marcus has always wanted a marriage like her parents. She has just accepted the proposal of her boyfriend Matt, but she has misgivings about their future together. Her fear of commitment grows as she learns of the various affairs that her family is having. With her sister getting married and her brother already married, her mother is growing concerned about Gwyn's being the last single person in the family. But the more she thinks about marriage, the more she must search for the balance between career, marriage and family.
Partners 'n Love
Executive Producer
David Grodin has an obsessive-compulsive personality. But he is also just plain obsessed with Maxine Smith, his ex-wife of five years and his business partner. Their small business is Mr & Mrs, a small swimwear company he founded but that only became successful when she became its creative director. They work well together and are best friends, but Max feels that they just could not live together and be married to each other. They learn that because of a legal technicality, their divorce was never executed and thus they are still legally married.
Act of Vengeance
Associate Producer
In 1969, an administrator runs against the corrupt president of the United Coal Miners Union, and becomes the target of a murder plot.
Executive In Charge Of Production
Lonnie and Rick seem to be complete opposites, at first glance. A survivor of suicide, Lonnie is introverted and ill at ease around her parents, Lois and Harvey. Rick, meanwhile, is sunny and charismatic. But appearances can be deceiving, as their families learn when the teens begin a romance. Upset about Lonnie's influence on Rick, his parents forbid the pair to see each other -- with tragic consequences.
The Glitter Dome
Associate Producer
Al Mackey and Marty are homicide cops in Hollywood and hot on the trail of the murderer of a movie mogul that was moonlighting by making child porno pictures. Willie is one of several suspects with motive, opportunity and the evil means to carry out this act. A medal should be in order instead of being arrested