Laerte Késsimos

Laerte Késsimos

프로필 사진

Laerte Késsimos

참여 작품

Cabaret dos Bichos
Visual Effects
Cabaret dos Bichos
Sound Editor
Cabaret dos Bichos
Camera Production Assistant
Skull: The Mask
The story of an ancient mask that possesses the human form to commit visceral sacrifices of vengeance for the incarnation of its God.
Todo Clichê do Amor
A man who lost his taste and his blind wife; an almost deaf girl and her consumerist stepmother; an adult movie actor in love and his completely passionate woman; a sign language teacher and his dilemmas with dumb students. Characters full of love and full of inabilities to cope with their emotional side.
The Man With the Orange Head
A regular night in a japanese restaurant in the middle of nowhere takes an unexpected turn with the arrival of two gangsters looking for a man known as the Swede. The killers take the clients hostage and start to systematically expose their prejudices and hypocrisies through physical and psychological abuse while they wait for their target to arrive. Based on Ernest Hemingway's Short Story.
Uma Bela Canção Para o Fim do Expediente
Eric is an actor who's a jack-of-all-trades all the time, but almost never acts. He auditions all the time, but is never called back.
A couple of insomniacs chatting after midnight
Fui Comprar Cigarros
Young Smoking Guy
Antunes Filho
중산층의 평범한 주부 헬레나는 자신의 꿈이었던 슈퍼마켓 사업을 시작하지만 남편의 실직과 경기 침체 등 그녀의 원대한 꿈은 시작부터 덜컹거린다. 어느 날 가게 한쪽 벽에 정체를 알 수 없는 검은 얼룩이 발견되고 얼룩이 커져가면서 그녀의 사업과 일상도 흔들리게 되는데... 느슨한 미스터리 플롯에 중산층의 위기감과 미묘한 계급갈등을 능숙하게 엮어내는 수작. (2012년 제16회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
The force of the accident. Two apartments. Two changes. Through a forgotten book, a meeting.