Aude Amiot

참여 작품

Drancy Future
The student
Director Arnaud de Pallières presents an experimental three-part film designed to stimulate the intellect and inspire reflection on the past. The first part tells the story of the last living Holocaust survivor, who is nearing the end of life and regrets not leaving behind an official record of the horrors he witnessed during the dark years of World War II. Later, a young historian researching a concentration camp in Drancy is shocked to discover that the site now houses an unwelcoming housing project called La Muette (the Silent). The trilogy winds to a close with the story of a ship's captain who recalls the time he ventured up an uncharted river towards an undiscovered civilization.
The Phantom Heart
The baby-sitter
Philippe is a middle-aged painter, he lives with Annie : they have two kids. Just after they split up, Philippe meets Justine. He starts thinking about love, the relationship between former lovers..
La folie douce
Edouard gives pieces of advice on a radio station, but when he tries to use them in real life with his friends, his skills are dubious.
오! 슬프도다
Aude Amiel
헬레니즘 신화의 명쾌한 해석이 돋보이는 아름다운 작품. 인물들의 고백을 통해서 구성되어지는 이야기는 사이몬 도나뒤유의 신의 은총에 대한 육감적인 의도를 드러내고 있다.