Gordon Patrick, a young CIA analyst is assigned to investigate the mysterious death of a major Russian political figure.
Gordon Patrick, a young CIA analyst is assigned to investigate the mysterious death of a major Russian political figure.
Gordon Patrick, a young CIA analyst is assigned to investigate the mysterious death of a major Russian political figure.
First Assistant Director
After a brief courtship, Julianne marries her handsome boyfriend, Mitch. To celebrate their honeymoon, the couple travel to a remote cabin on a small island. When they arrive, however, Mitch becomes aggressive and physically abusive, and Julianne soon realizes he's not the ideal husband she once thought he was. Knowing that Mitch doesn't plan on ever letting her leave the island, Julianne, who is afraid of water, must find a way to escape.
The nature and lure of power: in Dallas, a councilman is on trial for corruption, the D.A. is running for the US Senate, a serial killer is slashing prostitutes, and a professor is murdered. Amanda Reeve is assigned to investigate the law-school killing. She hears rumors that the dead man offered women students good grades in exchange for sex. The trail leads her to two wealthy, beautiful students whose alibi is provided by a librarian. At the same time, the cops close in on the slasher. Meanwhile, Amanda misses her former lover, next in line to become D.A., and a reporter is fired for getting close to the truth about the Senate candidate. Is a cover-up or conspiracy in the works?
The nature and lure of power: in Dallas, a councilman is on trial for corruption, the D.A. is running for the US Senate, a serial killer is slashing prostitutes, and a professor is murdered. Amanda Reeve is assigned to investigate the law-school killing. She hears rumors that the dead man offered women students good grades in exchange for sex. The trail leads her to two wealthy, beautiful students whose alibi is provided by a librarian. At the same time, the cops close in on the slasher. Meanwhile, Amanda misses her former lover, next in line to become D.A., and a reporter is fired for getting close to the truth about the Senate candidate. Is a cover-up or conspiracy in the works?
Susan Price has written a #1 bestseller, a steamy novel about a woman's search for the ultimate sexual experience entitled, "The Dark Side of Judith." When Susan is framed for the murder of her fiance, billionare publisher Jack Reynolds, she eludes authorities by changing her identity and becoming the woman she wrote about in her book, Judith Anderson. To find the real killer, Susan goes undercover as a relay operator for the hearing impaired to contact District Attorney Beth McDaniels who is deaf. While relaying intimate phone conversations between Beth and her boyfriend Calvin, Susan discovers her own dark side when she becomes entangled in this voyeuristic world of deceit, intrigue and murder.
A small passenger spaceship is forced to make a crash landing somewhere on a desolate territory on Earth. In search of some essential mineral the crew discovers a hidden stash of military bio-weapon surplus. One of the crew members gets infected, and starts showing murderous tendencies.
A small passenger spaceship is forced to make a crash landing somewhere on a desolate territory on Earth. In search of some essential mineral the crew discovers a hidden stash of military bio-weapon surplus. One of the crew members gets infected, and starts showing murderous tendencies.
Sergeant Brown
네슬리 체이스(Leslie Chase: 로버트 패트릭 분)는 부유한 부동산 개발 사업가이다. 멕시코의 원주민 부족인 토텍의 땅을 개발하고자 그들의 추장을 살해하게 된다. 추장이 마지막 숨을 거둘 때 네슬리의 몸 속으로 그의 혼이 들어가고, 네슬리는 이후 사람을 죽이고, 인육을 먹어야 만 살 수 있게 된다. 몇년후, 네슬리에게 희생당한 남편의 행방을 찾고자 로라(Nora Weeks: 조아나 파큘라 분)는 사설탐정 레이(Ray Tattinger: 비토 루기니스 분)를 고용한다. 레이는 이 사건이 레슬리와 관련이 있다는 사실을 발견하지만, 곧 그도 네슬리의 희생양이 되어 변사체로 발견된다. 한편 레이의 화일에서 네슬리의 주소를 발견한 노라는 그녀의 절친한 친구인 골디(Goldie: 미미 크레븐 분)와 직접 조사에 나선다. 집을 서성거리다 네슬리에게 발견된 그들은 임기응변으로 위기를 모면하지만, 이로인해 네슬리는 노라가 많은 사실을 알고 있음을 알게 된다. 골디를 유혹한 후 노라에게 접근한 네슬리는 그녀에게 골디의 안전을 조건으로 입을 다물 것을 요구하지만 거절당한다. 노라의 절친한 사람들이 죽어가자 그녀는 네슬리를 살해하기로 결심한다. 노라와 네슬리의 숨막히는 결투! 결국 네슬리는 살해 당하고 노라는 또다시 토텍의 혼을 이어받게 되는데.
First Assistant Director
산 페드로 부두에서 27명이 사망하고 9,100만달러가 증발하는 유혈극이 벌어진다. 수사관 데이브 쿠얀은 끔찍한 사건 현장의 유일한 생존자인 버벌로부터 폭발 사고의 유력한 용의자로 지목되었던 5인에 대한 진술을 듣는다. 유치장에서의 만남으로 시작한 그들의 6주 간의 화려한 범죄 행각들이 버벌의 진술과 함께 속속 드러나기 시작한다. 하지만 정작 용의자들도 모르게 그들의 머리 위에 존재했던 전설 속의 악마와도 같은 지하 범죄 조직의 두목 카이저 소제의 존재가 부각되며, 쿠얀은 점점 혼란에 빠지기 시작한다.
First Assistant Director
Dinger and Bobby's adventure start when a pair of magical sunglasses arrive at the door. Their mundane lives in L.A. get a crazy twist-but soon enough, they've got thugs on their trail who want the valuable pair for themselves. Under hot pursuit, it's one crazy antic after another as the troublesome twosome scramble to keep their hot commodity out of the wrong hands.