Guillermo Picco

참여 작품

The Employer and the Employee
The employer is a young man who apparently has everything going on for him except one pressing concern: his baby’s health. The employee is looking for a job to support his newborn too, so does not hesitate when the first decides to hire him to work in his lands. Both will meet their needs by helping each other. But one day an accident happens. This unexpected event will strain the ties between them, endangering the fate of the two families.
(upa) una pandemia argentina
The universe of Argentine independent cinema. The imposture. The unfulfilled dreams. Confinement—the capability for irony, the skill for comedy and the sagacity of UPA! Una película argentina (2007) are back, renovated, to explore the whims of a microworld still in turmoil.
The Man of the Future
Michelsen, an older trucker who is lonely and sick, while traveling through Patagonia meets someone on the highway who reminds him of his daughter, whom he has not seen in years.
Without Leon
Leon, Flavia’s partner for eight years, has died. As Flavia mourns her loss, she is also confused, overwhelmed by daily tasks and situations which make her feel fragile and incomplete. Her very life is an unknown. Lucia, Leon’s daughter by his former wife, barges into Flavia’s life in search of the father gure who is no longer around. Her encounters with the child confront her with her own doubts and desire of being a mother. Flavia will have to resign herself to the fact that a life project has ended, and learn to find a new one.
Los vagos
Despite his long-term relationship, Ernesto also has a fleeting romance with a blonde. Only when he is in danger of losing Paula, through his constant flirting with other women, does he see the consequences of his immature behaviour. In a calm tempo, with meticulous camerawork, the film subtly evokes a mood of nostalgia for a carefree adolescence from which Ernesto and his friends have difficulty taking their leave.
Upa! Remasterizada
How far would you go to make an independent film? When a director, a producer, and an actress unite to realize their dream of making their first feature, there are no limits in what they are willing to do to accomplish that goal. Stolen locations, amateur work teams, the worst filming conditions, anything goes, even mutual betrayal. The outcome will surprise everyone. Third installment of the Upa! series.
Sound Post Production Coordinator
This documentary follows a performing arts school in San Clemente del Tuyú, Argentina, in the middle of the woods, where traditional education is mixed up with alternative methodologies.
Upa! 2: El regreso
Eight years after the first installment, Ailén, Fernando, and Nina, meet again in the BAFICI competition. From that reunion, they decide to resume their unfinished project: Tandil/Tromso. They bring along two new collaborators: Martín and Nancy.
Sound Recordist
A group of girlfriends gather almost every day to sunbathe in the terrace of a building, in an age where getting the perfect tan was everything.
파울로 코엘료
Foley Artist
30권의 책, 전세계적으로 1억6천5백만부 이상의 판매, 전세계 80개 언어로 번역되어 150개 이상의 국가에서 출판. 최고의 반열에 오른 베스트셀러 의 저자, 파울로 코엘료. 그는 이 시대 최고의 베스트셀러작가이자, 전세계적으로 가장 사랑 받는 작가이다. 자신의 꿈(최고의 작가)을 포기하지 않는 한 남자로 다시 태어난 그의 삶. 파울로 코엘료, 작가로서의 놀랍고 진정한 삶의 여정을 전세계 사람들에게 이야기 한다. 파울로 코엘료의 작품에 대한 영감의 주요 소스는 자신의 삶이다. 와 의 저자인 파울로 코엘료는 의심의 여지가 없는 유명 인사이지만, 실제 그의 삶에 대한 이야기가 소설보다 더 낫다는 것은 소수만이 알고 있다. 자살 시도와 세 차례의 정신병원 입원, 60년대와 70년대 히피문화 속에 직면 할 수 있는 혼란과 충돌, 선과 악 사이의 갈등. 삶에 대한 오해와 반항기 많았던 파울로. 그는 정형적 삶을 거부했다. 자유를 받아들이며 강렬한 삶을 택한 그는 음악파트너 라울을 만나며 자유로운 락앤롤에도 빠진다. 음악을 통한 명성을 누렸지만, 무언가 자신의 삶에 빠진 것을 느끼고 40세가 되던 해 모든 것으로부터 떠나 산티아고의 도보 순례길에 오른다. 그리고 자신의 꿈, 작가로서의 꿈을 펼친다. 파울로 코엘료 최고의 이야기, 죽음과의 장난, 광기에서 탈출, 마약시도, 고문, 고통 그리고 사랑에의 미소, 브라질에서 록앤롤의 큰 역사를 이룬 그이지만, 그는 가장 큰 꿈을 포기하지 않았다. 작가로서의.. 꿈을 잃지 않는 긍정의 메시지
Sound Editor
In 1810 in Buenos Aires, the revolution is at its height, fuelled by Rousseau's ideas. Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, in the south of the country, a rain of ash disrupts a French expedition and a young woman, Marie Archange is left behind. All alone, in her head she hears Rousseau's minuet in G Minor, which gives her the strength she needs to continue on her way.
Sound Recordist
An album of odd and humorous stories on small places exclusively dedicated to idleness, which are empty in winter and crowded in summer: the spa towns. Cities under water, luxury hotels, mermaids, sea animals, sand castles, people who worship water, praying for health.