Jurema Penna

참여 작품

Jubiabá is a French-Brazilian film based on the homonymous novel by Jorge Amado. The film tells the story of the interracial love between the daughter of a rich Commander and Antonio Balduíno, a rascal, fighter and famous lover from Salvador.
The Wizard and the Sheriff
Powerful magician goes to jail for creating illusion of affluence in Brazilian town.
The Wizard and the Sheriff
Powerful magician goes to jail for creating illusion of affluence in Brazilian town.
Tent of Miracles
Tia Eufrásia
When a prominent U.S. Nobel Laureate arrives in Salvador, Bahia, the city with the largest black population in Brazil, he stirs emotions by championing a long-forgotten local writer named Pedro Archanjo, who believed that humanity would be improved only through miscegenation.
O Forte
Rua Descalça
Time of Violence
Wealthy banker Antônio witnesses the murder of a journalist, who got killed for exposing the activities of a gang of smugglers. After they find out about him, Antônio and his wife are both targeted and pursued by the criminals.
Como Vai, Vai Bem?
O Santo Módico
Sol Sobre a Lama
산타 바바라의 맹세
가난한 소작농인 제 도 부로(레오나르도 빌라 분)는 산타 바바라 성당에 가져다 놓을 거대한 십자가를 어깨에 지고 그의 아내 로사(글로리아 메네제스 분)와 함께 그들이 살던 Bahia의 작은 마을을 떠나 42km나 떨어진 살바도르로 향한다. 그들은 성녀에게 전 재산을 가난한 이웃들에게 나누어 주고 십자가를 봉헌하겠다는 맹세를 하고 그 맹세를 지키기 위해 성당까지 힘들게 걸어가지만 신부(디오니시오 아즈베도 분)는 '이교도적인 우상 숭배'라며 부부를 질타한다. 1950년대 브라질 인기 배우이기도 했던 안셀모 두아르테 감독은 이 영화로 1962년 칸 국제영화제 황금종려상을 수상했다.
Tocaia no Asfalto
Dona Filó
The psychology and life of Brazilian hitmen, common in the Northeast part of the country. In this particular case, the story revolves around a young and idealistic politician from Salvador, whom the enemies are eager to eliminate.
Mandacaru Vermelho
Dona Dusinha
Despite being promised to another man, a young orphaned woman falls in love with man working at the farm she lives in , and together they escape. According tradition in Northeast Brazil, her aunt goes after them, in order to kill them for revenge.