Kostas Laskos

Kostas Laskos

프로필 사진

Kostas Laskos
Kostas Laskos

참여 작품

All the Pretty Little Horses
In the wake of a disaster, Alice and her husband Petros take their young son Panagiotis to a provincial seaside town, seeking refuge. Working temporary jobs, Alice and Petros try to put their lives back together so they can return home to Athens. When Alice begins to realise the plan is not working – or worse, that it may not even exist – the distance between her and Petros begins to grow.
Elder Patient
원인 모를 단기 기억상실증 유행병에 걸린 ‘알리스’에게 유일하게 남은 기억은 이름도 집 주소도 아닌 한 입 베어 문 사과의 맛. 며칠이 지나도 그를 찾아오는 가족이 나타나지 않자 무연고 환자로 분류된 ‘알리스’에게 병원에서는 새로운 경험들로 기억을 만들어내는 ‘인생 배우기’ 프로그램을 제안한다. 그러던 어느 날 ‘알리스’는 자신처럼 이 프로그램에 참여하고 있는 ‘안나’를 만난다.
재단사 니코스
니코스는 아버지와 운영하는 가족 소유의 양복점 다락방에 산다. 그리스 경제 위기로 은행이 양복점을 압류하려 하고 아버지도 병에 걸리자, 니코스는 가만히 있을 수 없다. 이상한 모양의 이동식 양복점을 통해 니코스는 아테네의 여성들에게 자신감과 스타일을 선사하며 새로운 모습으로 거듭난다.
The Old Man
아버지의 장례를 마친 젊은 의사 파노스는 펠로폰네스의 파로노나스 산골마을로 의료 봉사를 떠난다. 어딘가 비밀스러운 분위기로 가득한 마을에 적응하지 못하던 파노스는 산 속 낡은 오두막에서 신비스러운 여인 다나에를 만난다. 곤경에 처한 그녀를 구하고 그녀의 원인모를 피부병을 치료하면서 파노스는 점점 다나에에게 매혹당한다. 아예 오두막에서 그녀와 함께 생활하게 된 파노스는 동화같은 사랑을 위해 엄청난 댓가를 치루게 된다.
Later Aphrodites
Melanie, a young cancer patient, is trapped in the postoperative state of her body and mourning for the prior existence of it. She is in a deadlock and tries to identify her new substance. She is the subject of her psychological experience and at the same time the object of her sight. Her obsession to look like before becomes her interior demon and her personal witch. She needs to feed her worldview, to identify her new substance and building a better relationship with herself. Her catalytic encounter with the confident trans woman Sissy takes her stress away.
In the abandoned airport of Ellinikon, a man's peaceful solitude is disrupted by bustling activity, and his ticket out might lead him right back to his starting place.
A man has second thoughts about a deal he has made with consequences he isn't prepared for. A cutting horror-satire from Greek director Daniel Bolda that fans of Bolda’s countryman Yorgos Lanthimos will love.
The Right Pocket of the Robe
Spiritual Guide
A monk of a Greek monastery, tries to cope with the unbearable sadness and loneliness , when he loses his little dog, the only companion he has got.
Free Subject
Iris, a teacher in her early forties who works at a Fine Arts School, assigns to her students an exercise on a Free Subject. It is a time when social behaviours and values are being called into question. The 20-year-old students are thrilled at the idea of being free to choose their own subjects. They create an “imagination factory” that has no limits. After finding Iris’s lost cell phone, provocative Yorgos, bases his Free Subject on his fictitious recreation of his teacher’s life. Free Subject deals with the limits of individual freedom in contemporary Western societies.
Six-year-old Markos, aiming to find out where the sun sleeps while visiting his grandfather in isolated Vourvourou, stumbles upon the most important stages in life.
Old Man
Ourania is a middle aged woman who has neglected herself. The appearance of a young man will help her regain her long lost woman nature.
A journalist returns to a dark, virtually unrecognizable Athens to investigate his best friend's murder. The victim's girlfriend gives him a hand but they soon realize they either have to abandon their investigation or become cogs in a powerful machine. Marionettes is a story of mystery, shot in an unknown, dark and full of temptations Athens.
Eleni asks for a fig on her deathbed. Her husband Kostas goes to the nearest fig tree to get one. Time is running out and Kostas is old. With a fig in his hand, he struggles through a rugged natural landscape to get home in time and fulfil his wife's last wish.
수요일 04:45
The Old Man
아테네 다운타운에서 재즈클럽을 운영하는 중년남자 스텔리오스는 매일 밤 자학적인 개그로 자신의 처지를 자조한다. 클럽을 리노베이션하기 위해 루마니아 사채업자로부터 돈을 빌리면서 그의 인생은 의도치 않게 꼬여간다. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제)
An old man having lost his wife tries to find a way of bringing her close again.
An old groom walks in the open horizon towards a bride waiting for him. They meet but the distance between them starts to grow once again.
Τα Οπωροφόρα Της Αθήνας
A writer, locked in his house, writes about a young man who wanders in Athens and tries its fruits.
Bitter Snow
In 1941, a Greek soldier accidentally kills a German soldier and carries a burden on his conscience. After many years, the memories return and this man wants to return the personal belongings, which he had taken from the dead soldier to his family, as a last tribute and in this way to save his soul. However, his forces abandon him and Myrto's granddaughter is called to fulfill this odyssey ...
Young man arrives in Athens to seek his fortune.
Μιμή η ερωτιάρα
When you are young and handsome is good, when you are married new and beautiful even better when your husband is money is GOOD but when he is money and gipsy then he goes looking for ... Mimi the erotika. A hilarious comedy for those who can with a lot of laughter.
Η χήρα με τα κόκκινα
Mihail (uncredited)
Επάγγελμα: Άντρες
παραλήπτης βόμβας
Παράξενο καλοκαίρι
Damianos Mitsios
Η Γυναίκα Της Πρώτης Σελίδας
Ανάργυρος ο...γόης.!!
Ρένα, Τα Ρέστα Σου!
Ο Παπασούζας φαντομάς
Ο Παπα-σούζας