Gianluca D'Ercole

참여 작품

누오보 올림포, 기다리다
Padre Enea
페르잔 와즈페테크 감독의 경험담에 바탕을 둔 드라마 영화. 여러곡절과 변해가는 삶의 여정에도 불구하고 한결같이 지속되는 영원한 사랑을 그린다.
Vittoria lives in the suburbs with her son Salvatore, a great fan of superheroes. Salvatore shape the harsh reality that surrounds him by imagining himself as the protagonist of the adventures of Astroman, the idol of his favorite web series.
Capitano Brunetti
One million Euro. The ransom that a masked man asks to free Lucia, Senator Silvestri’s young daughter. The case is followed by Captain Brunetti of the Special Operating Unit of the Carabinieri. However, once the ransom is paid, the kidnapper raises the stake and asks for ten million Euro for the other ten people he is detaining in an abandoned farmhouse: one million for every human life.
La Polinesia è sotto casa