Elliot, a 25-year-old British boy, discovers that he has a secret half-brother, Fyodor in Saint Petersburg. Elliot travels to the city, meets his brother and falls in love with Anya, Fyodor's girlfriend.
This movie is about soccer hooligans, the most aggressive and violent soccer aficionados. They are an exclusive group, the elite of all soccer fans. Whoever they may be in their everyday lives—college students, bankers, musicians, or car mechanics—they are a “firm.” It’s easy to get into a firm, but once you’re in, it’s for life. There’s no going back. The movie is based on actual events
The story became legend school killed the most beautiful girl in school, yesterday elected a beauty queen. Who is to blame for her death: lover, friends, school teacher? Is pouring find the killer will not be easy.
An anthropologist investigates the origins of human evolution. She had suffered a mental trauma during her childhood when her father, a submarine captain, died during the war. This trauma periodically destabilizes her condition. The ghosts of a prehistoric past and a violent death collide in the subconsciousness of the scientist to give birth to an unexpected theory of the origins of human beings.
어느 영화 감독이 한순간 마술처럼 18세기 초의 상트페테르부르크의 에르미타주 궁으로 가게 된다. 어느 누구도 감독을 보지 못하지만, 오로지 검은 옷을 입은 남자만이 감독을 본다. 검은 옷의 남자는 19세기에서 온 프랑스 외교관이였다. 감독과 외교관은 격동의 러시아 한가운데에서 놀라운 역사의 현장을 목격한다.