Mario Russo

참여 작품

Z7 Operation Rembrandt
A German scientist takes refuge in an unnamed South American country, and finishes the development of a weapon of mass destruction. Lesky, is assistant, is paid by a Chinese spy ring to abduct the scientist, and appropriate the weapon. Super agent Z7's mission is to find them and prevent that, which he does - at a cost of a number of lives.
Z7 Operation Rembrandt
A German scientist takes refuge in an unnamed South American country, and finishes the development of a weapon of mass destruction. Lesky, is assistant, is paid by a Chinese spy ring to abduct the scientist, and appropriate the weapon. Super agent Z7's mission is to find them and prevent that, which he does - at a cost of a number of lives.
Top Crack
Italian comedy
Executive Producer
A documentary highlighting some of the oddest, strangest and more grotesque examples of human behavior. Included are a tour of the Grand Guignol theater in Paris, a man who sticks long needles through his body, reindeer being castrated, and footage of lesbians and strippers.
Salvatori pays a visit to his old ma who is bedridden in a gloomy old people’s home. He promises her that pretty soon he’ll be rich and they’ll live together in their house. The young man is hired as a catering assistant in a desirable mansion, but the owner of the place is dying. The wife and the daughter are trying to regain the old man’s love and affection while the son is busy gathering his friends for a feast.
어 브리스 오브 스캔들
Assistant Director
A European princess jeopardizes her crown when she falls for an American millionaire.
로마여 안녕
Assistant Director
After having a fight with his girl friend, Marc follows her to Rome to try and win her back. On the train he meets a girl who is on her way to stay with her uncle. He gives her a lift to her uncle's, but they discover he has gone to South America. So as she has nowhere else to go, she stays with Marc and his cousin, which inevitably leads to romance.
The Monte Carlo Story
Second Assistant Director
Stylish, sophisticated and absolutely broke, Dino and Maria pursue a romance until they realize neither of them has any money, which forces the gold diggers to turn their attention to a wealthy widower and his daughter. A compulsive gambler who owes several anxious investors a small fortune, Dino has trouble cutting his losses, no matter how bad the losing streak.
Assistant Director
A story of the love of Frou-Frou - an actress and singer in the in the beginning of her career.
First Assistant Director
Camilla, a middle-aged Venetian widow, arrives in Rome to take up service as a maid for the Rossetti family, who are not prosperous. With her discreet presence, she is an element of cohesion for them thru tensions and misfortunes.
Terminal Station
Script Supervisor
An American woman tries to break off her relationship with her Italian lover at Rome's Stazione Termini train station. This is Vittorio De Sica's original 89-minute "Terminal Station" which was released first in April 1953 as "Stazione Termini," the Italian title of Cesare Zavattini's story. A year later in May 1954, Columbia Pictures released a different version with the alternative title "Indiscretion of an American Wife" which producer David O. Selznick had re-edited and cut to a shortened 64 minutes, dramatically altering characterization by removing its establishing shots and neorealist touches.
Script Supervisor
로마의 언니 집에 갔던 미국 부인 메리(Mary Forbes: 제니퍼 존스 분)는 관광 통역을 맡은 조반니(Giovanni Doria: 몽고메리 클리프트 분)라는 청년을 사랑하게 된다. 다혈질의 조반니도 매리를 소개받자 한 눈에 반해버린다.그러나 메리는 발육이 늦은 딸과 8년을 같이 생활해 온 남편을 잊을 수가 없다. 남편은 자신이 건사해주지 않으면 자기 양말하나도 제대로 찾아신지 못하는 그런 사람이었다. 조반니와의 로마에서 보낸 짧은 만남이 꿈같은 시간이었다면 메리가 돌아가야할 곳은 현실이다. 현실은 때로는 지겹고 누추한 곳이지만 꿈은 꿈일 뿐이다. 메리는 자신과 함께 이탈리아에서 눌러 살 것을 간청하는 조반니에게 우리가 헤어질 수 밖에 없는 것은 거역할 수 밖에 없는 우리의 운명이라고 단호하게 말한다. 절망감에 휩싸인 조반니는 자신의 감정을 추수리지 못해 메리의 뺨을 때리고 그곳을 떠난다. 역 밖으로 나온 조반니는 한 동안 망설이다 다시 역 구내로 들어온다. 그리고 후회를 하고 메리를 찾아나선다. 가까스로 메리를 찾은 조반니. 두 연인은 사람들의 눈을 피해 빈 객차 안으로 뛰어든다. 그리고 격정적인 입맞춤을 나눈다. 그런데 그만 공안원에게 발각되어 풍기문란 혐의로 역구내 파출소로 연행된다. 메리는 파출소장에게 8시 30분 파리행 열차를 타지 못하면 자신의 인생은 끝장이라고 통사정을 한다. 취조 결과 파출소장은 이 여자에게 가정이 있고 또 조반니와 이별하기 위해 다음번 파리행 열차를 타고 싶어하는 것을 알고 그녀를 훈방한다. 8시 25분 드디어 메리는 기차에 오르고 덜커덕 차가 움직인다. 움직이는 열차를 향해 조반니가 뛰어간다. 하지만 점점 멀어지는 기차와 메리의 모습. 조반니는 넘어지고 만다. 눈물을 글썽이는 메리. 지나가던 사람이 다치지 않았느냐고 묻자 조반니는 "괜찮아요 상처는 없어요"라고 대답한다.
Three Forbidden Stories
First Assistant Director
While recuperating from their injuries in a hospital, three young women flash back to the events leading up to the catastrophe. Remata (Lia Amando) has spent her entire life trying to overcome a childhood rape. Annamaria (Antonella Lualdi) has recently come out of an unfortunate marriage to a wealthy but insensitive boor. And Gianna (Eleanore Rossi Drago), the daughter of a college professor, has ruined her life with narcotics.
100 Little Mothers
Assistant Director
Domani è un altro giorno
First Assistant Director
A doctor saves a woman who was planning to commit suicide and takes her with him during his night shift.
A Dog’s Life
Tragicomedy telling of the trials and tribulations of a troupe of variety show artists.
Peppinello, a boy
On his way to Africa, Don Pietro, a young missionary priest has his suitcase stolen in the station of Naples. While trying to retrieve his baggage he realizes how miserable the city of Naples is. Then he decides that his mission is there in Naples, He creates his 'The Boys' Town' a shelter for poor kids, aka the 'scugnizzi' (street urchins), with a view to putting them back on the right track. Some of the kids, though, do not play by the rules just using that 'home' as a convenient place for hiding the product of their thefts...