Patrick Perrin

참여 작품

장교와 스파이
1894년 12월, 프랑스의 알프레드 드레퓌스 대위는 독일 대사관에 군사정보를 팔아넘겼다는 혐의로 체포되어 반역죄를 선고받는다. 사건의 증거는 단 하나, 정보를 빼돌린 서류의 필적이 드레퓌스의 것과 비슷하다는 것뿐. 드레퓌스는 굴욕적인 군적 박탈식을 거쳐 '악마의 섬'으로 영원히 유배된다. 하지만 새로 부임한 피카르 중령은 드레퓌스 사건의 필적과 매우 유사한 서신을 발견하고, 은밀히 사건을 재조사하게 된다. 피카르가 진실에 다가설수록 군의 수뇌부는 은폐와 조작에 급급해하며 그를 궁지에 몰아넣기 시작하는데…
Two Way Mirror
Used as a rendezvous for illicit lovemaking, two Paris apartments have a devilishly deceptive TWO-WAY Mirror installed between the bedrooms. Let's take a peek at what goes on when a married couple inherits a key to each separate love nest...without each other's knowledge. What you see is what you get in this passionate saga of lusting spouses that's worth looking into!
Orgie extra-conjugale
Two young grooms very vulnerable to the adventures extra conjugales, plus two dredgers in Jaguar white: the business appears very simple! However it becomes complicated when the two couples arrive in a friend who has principles. We love orgies, and we know you love orgies so stop the bullshit and see what an orgy is all about!
Vacances polissonnes
Four young women, dressed in uniforms with white knee socks, are on a camping holiday. They have different adventures. A horse rider triggers a dream. Then they put up their tent in a farm yard and have some action with the landlord’s female cook (Daniele David) and the chauffeur. One of the girls, the plump one, always feels like licking choc-ice whereas another enjoys … in the open air
Unlimited Girls
5 dark figures break into a villa on the outskirts of Paris. They hope for rich prey. Just as they turn the house upside down, the residents surprise the burglars in the act. The opportunity is favorable and so the girls get what they want the most - unrestrained sex. In a very short time, a real bum orgy develops. It is fucked to the last drop and all have a really cool weekend. A masterpiece of French eroticism!
L'ouvreuse n'a pas de culotte
Anna is unemployed, but her friend Catherine finds her a job in a very particular cinema. This is a porn room where the show takes place both on the screen and in the dark.