Harry Chambarry

참여 작품

운명의 하루
Angry Passenger
운명을 믿지 않는 소녀 나타샤는 자메이카로 추방 당할 위기에 놓인 가족을 위해 12시간 안에 해결책을 찾아야 한다. 부모님의 강요로 자신의 뜻과 달리 의대 진학 준비에 몰두해야 했던 다니엘은 우연히 나타샤를 만나 사랑에 빠지게 되는데. 그들에게 찾아온 “운명의 하루”는 어떻게 마무리 될지…
Next Year in Jerusalem
The oldest son in an orthodox Jewish family is living at home (in Brooklyn) with his parents and younger brothers. He's being pressured by his parents to marry the girl they have chosen, (the daughter of a rabbi). But he is coming to the realization that he is gay. When he becomes reacquainted with a school hood friend that has moved into Greenwich Village and come out (at least to himself), our hero begins to come out to himself as well.