Yury Mikhaylishin

Yury Mikhaylishin

출생 : 1960-09-27,

프로필 사진

Yury Mikhaylishin

참여 작품

French Master
Director of Photography
A famous massage therapist becomes the prime suspect in the disappearance of several of his clients. All the missing women are young girls looking to get away from of the provincial town to live their life in the capital, become professional models, or simply become high maintenance trophy wives.
Live Long
Director of Photography
Several fatal accidents occur at once at the reinforced concrete products factory in the city of N. An investigator from the regional center comes to investigate the mysterious series of deaths, who understands that it is not technology that is to blame, but psychology. A number of people involved in a vicious suicidal circle are ready to take a step into the abyss. Everyone has their own reasons and motives. The investigator, when confronted with these stories, recalls his own personal tragedy.
Director of Photography
The film is devoted to our mothers. The fantastic story about the power of simple people, capable of living and surviving in the most complex circumstances, about love, loyalty and beauty
하챠투리안의 칼춤
Director of Photography
구소련 아르메니아 출신인 아람 하챠투리안은 18살 때까지도 정식 음악교육을 받지 못했지만, 음악에 대한 열정만으로 모스크바 그네신 음악학교에서 작곡을 배운 구소련의 대표적인 작곡가였다. 라벨 등 서구 음악의 영향을 받았던 초기 작품들과 달리 2차 대전이 격화되면서 아르메니아, 조지아, 터키 등지의 민속음악의 영향을 적극적으로 반영한 그의 음악 세계는 발레 모음곡 ‘가얀느’, 교향곡 2번 등의 작품을 통해 널리 알려지게 되었다. 이 작품은 하챠투리안이 2차 대전 당시 피난지에서 ‘가얀느’, 그 중에서도 그의 대표작이라 할 수 있는 ‘칼춤’을 작곡하는 과정을 극화한 작품이다. 전쟁이라는 극한 상황을 극복하며 걸작을 탄생시키는 한 예술가의 감동적인 모습을 만날 수 있다.
Passenger from San Francisco
Director of Photography
Our film portrays the precarious destiny of a former employee of the Soviet customs service. Sent into 'forced' immigration on an assignment in the 1980s, he is forgotten after the regime changes that take place in Russia in the early 1990s. Supported by neither Russian nor American governments, he is forced into a struggle against the international drug mafia. Alone, he will have to find a way out of a labyrinth of highly complex and unforeseen difficulties.
Turkish Saddle
Director of Photography
The film’s hero, Ilyich, cannot understand what’s wrong with him. Ilyich is a for- mer “mole”, an external observation agent in the KGB, then FSB. A skilled instructor. Now he is retired. From loneliness, he continues to watch those who catch his attention and curiosity. The doctor diagnoses him with empty sella syndrome (the syndrome of an empty Turkish Seat), which poses no danger for society... One day new neighbours move in, a young couple of musicians, and Ilyich’s life changes...
Director of Photography
Set against the serene frozen tundras of the Arctic, a group of desperate sailor's wives wait patiently for their husbands return from sea. As bad news knock on their door, one woman finds out about her husband's infidelity.
Alisa Navsegda
Director of Photography
A modern urban melodrama, the main characters of which, by force of circumstances, are involved in a difficult everyday situation, the exit from which will be a turning point in life for everyone ...