Huub Smit

Huub Smit

출생 : 1978-01-01,

프로필 사진

Huub Smit
Huub Smit
Huub Smit

참여 작품

Kwestie van geduld
Chef Monica is opening a new restaurant in Amsterdam with her boyfriend. To do so she has to go back to her roots, a village called Noorbeek in Zuid-Limburg, to cut some ties. Quickly she stumbles upon an old lover. Much has changed throughout the years, but unexpectedly many more still feels familiar and safe. Is Amsterdam really the right call?
The Judgement
A Dutch TV journalist finds himself challenging the police, courts and media as he attempts to uncover the truth about the controversial 1999 Deventer murder case.
이스트 워
Lieutenant Hartman
세계 2차 대전이 끝나고 독립운동이 한창이던 인도네시아를 진압하고자 네덜란드의 평범한 젊은 청년들이 자원 입대를 하게 된다. 별다른 전투가 없는 걸로 알고 자원했던 `요한`은 저항군이 쏜 총에 전우를 잃게 되면서 본격적인 저항군 색출작업에 뛰어 들게 된다. 시간이 지날수록 모든 것은 예상과 다르게 돌아가면서 전쟁은 그에게 잔인한 선택을 강요하게 되는데...
The Even Bigger Slime Movie
Slime creator Indy (Bibi) has to come up with a super cool new slime recipe for a big Slime Gala. When she secretly adds octopus slime while making it, magical colors are created. This is the best slime she's ever made! But when jealous slime creator Benji (Matheu Hinzen) steals the recipe, everything goes wrong. Can Indy stop Benji and win back her slime fans?
Dennis de Vries
거대한 마약 제국을 건설하기 전, 보스의 보복을 위해 고향으로 돌아간 페리 보우만. 하지만 그곳에서 인생을 송두리째 바꿔 놓을 사랑을 만나고, 그의 충성심은 시험에 든다.
저스트 세이 예스
로맨스 없인 못 사는 로터. 완벽한 결혼식을 준비했건만 갑자기 파혼당한다. 게다가 SNS 없인 못 사는 동생이 로터의 상사와 약혼해 언니의 결혼식 계획을 냉큼 훔치기까지. 이제 로터의 목표는 새 동료와 손잡고 전 남친을 되찾는 것.
Reunited with his parents, Little Crumb is having trouble getting used to his new luxurious lifestyle. When he is abducted by an old enemy, he has to use the best of his new and his old life to escape and save his parents.
Shit Happens
When they are confronted with the disease of the pater familias, all the members of the Liefhebber family have to face their fears, faults and their troubled interrelationships.
Charles Dujardin - psychiatrist - starts losing his precious sense of control when Lotte, a seductive and promiscuous client offers her confession. Her story takes hold of his mind. After his ailing wife is sped off to the hospital Charles grows obsessed with Lotte. Reality and fantasy start mixing. An ethical commission starts asking difficult questions. There's been a complaint. An official investigation is started. But he didn't do anything wrong. Did he?
Hang On
Window cleaner Dennis falls from the 40th floor of a high rise. He is in luck: He gets stuck outside the 33th floor, hanging helplessly outside the window of Debbie, who is getting ready for a date. Because of the soundproof glass the conversation is awkward and difficult. The clumsy situations build and build in this bizarre comedy, filled with miscommunication.
Dante vs. Mohammed Ali
When Wolf refuses to fight his best friend Alexander during a weekly boxing match, the whole village turns against him. He tries to convince Alexander to join him leaving the village, but his overly romantic message runs into a wall.
Men from Mars
Dutch comedy about three school friends that return to The Marsman College for a reunion of their middle school. Their lives have changed completely after 25 years, but 40 is the new 20 and every man should become more handsome with age... or not? Where Edwin is still a woman's magnet his friends have all their different problems. Marks has been swapped for a younger guy bu his wife and family man Peter is struggling with his manhood since a can't read anymore without putting on his reading glasses. How do these guy's handle these changes? Grabbing a beer, not much talking, pad on the back and drinking away you hangover with even more alcohol? Or do things go different when you pass the age of 40?
Ron Goossens, Low Budget Stuntman
Alcoholic and low budget stuntman Ron Goossens has to get The Netherlands' most successful actrice between the sheets in order to save his own marriage. Will he succeed? A new outrageous comedy from the writers/directors of New Kids Turbo, New Kids Nitro and Bros Before Hos.
Toon Kuijper
실화를 바탕으로 한 이 영화에서는 2차 대전 중, 숨어 있는 유대인들을 갈취하고 수백 명을 죽음의 수용소로 팔아넘긴 네덜란드의 전범, 안드레스 리파겐의 일생을 다룬다.
배틀 트랩
아프가니스탄에서 네덜란드 육군이 재건 및 전투 임무를 수행 중인 가운데, 급조 폭발물 사고로 수많은 사상자가 발생한다. 그 와중에 포츠마 상병이 쏜 총에 사망한 남성이 무장 군인이 아닌 소년으로 밝혀지자 징계 명령이 내려진다. 병장의 사격 허가 명령 여부를 놓고 진실 공방전이 시작되면서 분대 내에도 갈등이 생기는데... 2008년 아프간, 가장 치열했던 34시간이 돌아온다!
The Fury
Albert Sr.
Albert has always looked up to his aunt Tiny: this beautiful woman from Brabant can make any man’s heart skip a beat. Through Albert’s eyes Tiny’s life seems quite exciting. But why is she so furious at everyone and everything? It takes him half a lifetime to discover that his beloved aunt’s existence is a lot more complex than he had ever thought.
Hallo Bungalow
A comedy about three woman working at a boring holiday resort and their criminal employer.
Festival favorite Huub Smit (New Kids Nitro; New Kids Turbo; Bros Before Hos) stars as a Dutch cop raised on far too many American action films in this outrageous action comedy.
Pelle is a shy 12-year-old dreamer. During a family holiday he comes to realize he can’t stay a wallflower forever and is determined to change his ways, although the circumstances are far from ideal.
No Babies on the Field
The immature Wyne starts a football team to rebel against all her friends whose lives have become dull and boring since either giving birth or becoming pregnant. However, she threatens to lose everything through unexpected events.
Bros Before Hos
Because of a bad marriage of their parents, two brothers Jules and Max made a pact never to get into a relationship with a woman. Therefore, they live a party-life in which they sleep with a different girl every day. However this changes when Jules starts to date Anna and Max falls in love with her. Can their bromance overcome this love triangle.
Money transport driver
어스름한 네덜란드 지역, 방황하는 청년 마지드는 킥복싱에 특출 난 재능을 갖고있다. 하지만 불치병에 걸린 형과 자신을 지독히도 미워하는 아버지, 어린 동생과 병약한 어머니 탓에 하루도 마음 편할 날이 없다. 캄캄한 앞날의 ‘마지드’는 갱단조직에 가담하여 범죄를 저지르며 분노를 표출하는 짐승으로 변해가고, 이윽고 본인의 꿈과 욕망조차 그 방향을 점점 잃어가는데…
New Kids Nitro
Richard Batsbak
Gerrie, Richard, Rikkert, Robbie and Barry from Maaskantje are in a big fight with the village of Schijndel. When a zombie kills someone from Brabant, things get out of hand.
New Kids Turbo
Richard Batsbak
Five friends from 'Maaskantje' are getting fired because of the economic crisis. They decide that they won't pay for anything anymore.