Raresh DiMofte

Raresh DiMofte

프로필 사진

Raresh DiMofte

참여 작품

아메리칸 드리머
In this winsome comedy, an entitled Economics professor pursues a tactic to buy an ailing widow’s mansion for nothing, but he quickly realizes that his seemingly foolproof strategy won’t be as easy as he thought.
Vladimir Dobrolyubov
A young pool shark is caught up in a world of underground gambling and struggling to make ends meet. His luck seems to change when he lands a job with a moving company, but it soon leads him to more trouble.
Reporting from the frontlines of the Okanagan wildfires, Stan documents uncommon heroism on his blog while hoping for a big break that’ll make him a household name beyond Peachland. But when he’s unexpectedly charged with a shocking crime, he must scramble to salvage his reputation with the civic leaders who respect him and save his marriage to Gail, the woman who’s supported him amidst his various struggles. But how will Gail react when the extent – and nature – of the charges are revealed and his innocence is hardly assured?
컴 투 대디: 30년만의 재회
나름 성공한 음악가 노발. 아버지가 없이 자란 그에게 갑자기 아버지로부터의 초대장이 온다. 30여 년 간 가족을 버린 아버지에 대한 궁금증과 원망을 품고 그를 만나러 간 외딴집. 하지만 뭔가 수상한 분위기를 감지하게 되고 집안 곳곳에 숨겨진 피의 흔적들을 발견하게 된다.
Odyssey of Death
A man being investigated for his girlfriend's murder sets out on a two-day journey to explore their debauched city in the back of a rented limo.
Valley of the Rats
A young man is accused of his ex-girlfriend's murder. Before he is formally charged by the police, he sets out on a two-day odyssey to find the real killer: tracking down his leads from the backseat of a rented limousine. This allows him to converse and ponder class, society, life in the city, and to contemplate the dirt that runs in the small nooks and valleys of cosmopolitan life. Mid-way through the film, the style transforms into Brividio Giallo contemporary, wordless operatic imagery of sex and violence.
Psychedelic Sci-Fi about mind travel.